Thought Leadership
The Rise of Virtual Sales
Virtual sales is now fundamental to survival and growth in a market where remote selling is the “next normal”. Gain new insights on the rise of this phenomenon and the benefits it has delivered. Virtual sales originated in the 1950s in the form known today as telemarketing. It has dramatically evolved…
Winning in the Virtual Sales World
Is Selling an art, or a science? It’s BOTH: An equilibrium of innate ability and adopting a structured process. In this digital world, success is dependent on the strong analysis of customer’s profiles and business needs, whilst an adversity quotient (AQ) and the ability to influence the customers.…
Managing Evolving Workforce
Like every generation before, motivations of the workforce have evolved. A new wave of information-rich individuals – the Generation Z or Millennials! – are shifting the way that companies think about hiring, developing and maintaining their top talent. So, how can companies attract,…
Virtual: An Evolution in Selling
In the reality of a world impacted by Covid-19, businesses are embracing new and creative ways of selling through the use of digital tools and technology. Now the fastest growing and most widely adopted sales motion across the globe, virtual sales is winning the war for attention. Are organisations…
Cisco Viewpoints as the Bridge to Insights
Virtual sales has become more relevant than ever for businesses steering through the new reality in a COVID-19 impacted world. Here at Cisco, we have embraced digital transformation and been at the forefront of virtual selling for many years. Our Global Virtual Sales & Engineering (GVSE) …
Top 5 Insights to Becoming a Resilient SMB
The likelihood of you seeing this meme during the pandemic is high: “Who led the digital transformation of your company? A chief executive officer, a chief technology officer or COVID-19?” While this may have been a light-hearted take on what is the biggest crisis we have faced in recent history, there…
Working From Anywhere as The New Normal
As we entered 2020, the financial services industry was in a different place: the global economy was more stable, markets were solid, and banks and other institutions were performing well, largely due to good regulation and testing that had been put in place. While these organizations were doing well…
The next decade belongs to organizations that can adapt and react quickly in the new normal
The pandemic took everyone by surprise – no business or leader had the foresight to prepare for it – and the global marketplace has shifted dramatically as a result. The question on the mind of every C-suite executive now is ‘how do I retool my business to build a resilient enterprise that can survive the…
How Tapping on Tech Will Carry Your Business Through COVID-19 to Success
Countries around the world are taking cautious steps to reopen their societies and economies as the repercussions of COVID-19 are just beginning to become clear. With the toll in Asia Pacific estimated at US$2.7 trillion in losses, companies need to brace for deep uncertainties ahead. In the face…