Smart and Connected Communities

Reimagining a smart campus to enable new learning experiences

As organizations across the globe embrace hybrid work it is having a knock-on effect, especially on educational institutions as they train the next generation workforce. Universities, especially, are rethinking the learning and campus experience for students and staff alike so they are able to…

March 16, 2022


Cisco Meraki announces new IoT and LAN portfolio to build smarter workspace experiences

News Summary: Cisco Meraki expands its IoT portfolio by launching a new indoor air quality sensor MT14, a smart automation button MT30, and a new MV analytics capabilities Expanded portfolio addresses smart workspace requirements and the evolving needs of enterprises to protect people, places,…

November 20, 2020


How innovation in technology is driving safer roads

With over 90% of road crashes caused by human error, leveraging technology to reduce incidents is vital.  Connected vehicles are a perfect example of Internet of Things (IoT) in action and demonstrates how technology can create safer roads. Australia’s largest on-road pilot of connected vehicles…

September 14, 2020


How artificial intelligence helps boost customer retention and loyalty

What your customers want The days of tolerating bad service are gone. Long wait times, unprepared agents, being transferred multiple times to the “right” department, and then repeating ourselves over and over again, are just a few examples of how a company can lose our business even if we’ve been a lifelong…

Keeping the Traffic (and Transport Network) Flowing with IoT

Globally, more than 1.25 million people die in road traffic crashes every year and a further 50 million people are injured or disabled.¹ Meanwhile, congestion costs Australians $16.5 billion in 2015, according to the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics. The price of congestion…

Building a Smarter Intersection for Improved Road Safety and Congestion Busting

Like many other countries around the world, Australia is seeing significant population growth, particularly in our larger cities and built up urban environments. At the same time, there is a digital transformation underway in transportation, with Mobility-as-a-Service, smart phone ride-hailing…

December 13, 2018


Towards a Multimodal Transportation Data Framework

Towards a Multimodal Transportation Data Framework Digitisation is occurring at a rapid pace across all modes of transportation. Whether this be future disruptive services such as Mobility-as-a-Service or improving road safety through Connected and Automated Vehicles; it has become apparent…