Small Business Resilience

June 23, 2021


Forging a collaborative and secure future for SMBs like PolicyPal

4 min read

Over the past year, small and medium businesses (SMBs) have undergone massive changes in many ways. While some organizations found their business plans delayed by the pandemic, others have taken advantage of the opportunity to transform their business models. It is heartening to know that SMBs in…

May 25, 2021


The cloud is calling – the time is right to pick up

3 min read

There’s no denying that COVID-19 has majorly affected business operations around the country and despite the obvious restrictions and issues it has caused, we have also seen significant advancements made as a result. For many businesses prior to the pandemic, the concept of a hybrid or full working-from-home…

November 25, 2020


The race to digitise is on. Is your business ready?

2 min read

Across Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific, small and medium size businesses (SMBs) have been looking at the uncertainties of 2020 as an opportunity to work on becoming more tech savvy. Research from Cisco and IDC tells us that 69% of SMBs surveyed across Asia Pacific are accelerating digitisation…

November 25, 2020


What is SD-WAN and why should your business care about it?

2 min read

“SD-what?” I hear you say… let me explain! Over the last 10 to 20 years, small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) with multiple sites and branches have had pretty limited choices for good connectivity and bandwidth. This meant having to pay for what often amounted to expensive, low quality bandwidth,…

November 25, 2020


How businesses can adapt, pivot and become stronger

2 min read

From an economic viewpoint, COVID-19 has played out in quite different ways. Some industries have been hit hard, while others have either seemed to pivot well, or even thrive during the pandemic. But one thing is clear from my discussions with small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Australia. Those…

November 17, 2020


Beyond COVID-19: SMBs riding the digitalization wave

4 min read

At the start of this year, the world plunged into a crisis brought forth by one of the deadliest and fastest-moving pandemics this century. At the same time, the pandemic has also served as a catalyst for digital transformation across every section of society, and businesses large and small have raced…

July 28, 2020


Top 5 Insights to Becoming a Resilient SMB

3 min read

The likelihood of you seeing this meme during the pandemic is high: “Who led the digital transformation of your company? A chief executive officer, a chief technology officer or COVID-19?” While this may have been a light-hearted take on what is the biggest crisis we have faced in recent history, there…

April 28, 2020


Prevail in today’s digital workplace: Measures to optimise your home IT and network performance

3 min read

When the business community started shutting offices and moving their staff to work from home arrangements, one of the biggest concerns was around how the network – and specifically the nbn™ – would handle it. But much to the disappointment of sceptics, the network has performed extremely well and…

April 21, 2020


Beyond the lock and key: What modern security looks like for small businesses

3 min read

Cybersecurity is more important than ever now that more people are working from home and businesses are adjusting to new operating models. But all too often, it gets pushed down the priority list when the focus is on simply keeping the lights on and revenue coming in the door. Unfortunately, that’s when…