Is Digital Selling the New Oil?
We explore digital selling and its value to businesses by understanding how this data-driven selling process leverages digital assets, use of data in decision-making, customer relationship management, and forecasting. Is Digital Selling the New Oil? In this very fast-moving world, every day…
Sales: When Art Meets Science
Is selling an art, science, or both? We debunk the greatest sales debate of all time and discuss the shift in virtual selling with the rise of a “Phygital” model. Across the globe, sales is part of every possible business model, be it in terms of a product or service. Eons later, man continues to struggle…
Winning in the Virtual Sales World
Is Selling an art, or a science? It’s BOTH: An equilibrium of innate ability and adopting a structured process. In this digital world, success is dependent on the strong analysis of customer’s profiles and business needs, whilst an adversity quotient (AQ) and the ability to influence the customers.…