Thought Leadership
Onboarding Talent
3 min read
A critical step to creating an enriching initial experience for new hires come into play during the onboarding process. What are the considerations to achieve high employee productivity and engagement? Now that you have hired the highest potential talent, what’s next? Whilst most companies deem…
Leadership is a Journey, Not a Destination
3 min read
When we think about organisations, we associate them with the prominent and visible faces that represent them. The superstar leaders, the rockstar money generators, the eccentric founders. But rarely do we get a glimpse of the people other than these leaders. What I have realised from my time at Cisco…
Cisco Singapore – Leading a flexible, safe return to work with AI
2 min read
The path back to the full reopening of markets and business operations is complex and continuously evolving. For example, in Australia, we see differences in federal and state policies. Each one is tailored to its unique needs, all from state to state and federal policy aimed at ‘jump starting’ economic…
Why do you need next-gen technology to show the mirror to your digital experiences?
4 min read
Today’s next normal has established new realities for businesses in every industry. Employees are working from home and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future, customers are discovering, researching, and buying products and services online, and as a result, there’s an increased reliance…
How artificial intelligence helps boost customer retention and loyalty
3 min read
What your customers want The days of tolerating bad service are gone. Long wait times, unprepared agents, being transferred multiple times to the “right” department, and then repeating ourselves over and over again, are just a few examples of how a company can lose our business even if we’ve been a lifelong…
Person of Impact
2 min read
Drive a meaningful and impactful messages via 3 key themes – relevance, resonance and resourcefulness. In your next conversations, put these tips in play to be a person of impact. Be a Person of Impact! I am fortunate to lead Cisco’s APJC Woman of Impact program where I have the opportunity to coordinate…
Sales: When Art Meets Science
5 min read
Is selling an art, science, or both? We debunk the greatest sales debate of all time and discuss the shift in virtual selling with the rise of a “Phygital” model. Across the globe, sales is part of every possible business model, be it in terms of a product or service. Eons later, man continues to struggle…
Attracting Talent
3 min read
Sourcing and hiring the highest potential talent can be a complex challenge for many employers when recruiting for early-level roles. To ‘win the talent battle’, companies must take a different approach. Attracting sales talent used to be a routine task for global corporations. For Sales hiring,…
Security in the next normal: Leaders need to think outside the (corporate) box
4 min read
A majority of staff is now working remotely, using personal devices, on unprotected networks, and often collaborating via unsecured tools. Obviously, this will result in a number of new or increased security threats, across the enterprise. However, the truth is that the distributed enterprise…