Digital Transformation
What is SD-WAN and why should your business care about it?
2 min read
“SD-what?” I hear you say… let me explain! Over the last 10 to 20 years, small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) with multiple sites and branches have had pretty limited choices for good connectivity and bandwidth. This meant having to pay for what often amounted to expensive, low quality bandwidth,…
Beyond COVID-19: SMBs riding the digitalization wave
4 min read
At the start of this year, the world plunged into a crisis brought forth by one of the deadliest and fastest-moving pandemics this century. At the same time, the pandemic has also served as a catalyst for digital transformation across every section of society, and businesses large and small have raced…
Changing Cyber Culture: Disruption is an Opportunity for Transformation
3 min read
You don’t need me to tell you that things have changed. The world has been on an accelerated pace of digitalization that has affected everything from how we buy our groceries, to the way we work and how businesses ensure productivity and business continuity. Along with this comes a stronger need…
The Rise of Virtual Sales
3 min read
Virtual sales is now fundamental to survival and growth in a market where remote selling is the “next normal”. Gain new insights on the rise of this phenomenon and the benefits it has delivered. Virtual sales originated in the 1950s in the form known today as telemarketing. It has dramatically evolved…
Managing Evolving Workforce
2 min read
Like every generation before, motivations of the workforce have evolved. A new wave of information-rich individuals – the Generation Z or Millennials! – are shifting the way that companies think about hiring, developing and maintaining their top talent. So, how can companies attract,…
How Tapping on Tech Will Carry Your Business Through COVID-19 to Success
4 min read
Countries around the world are taking cautious steps to reopen their societies and economies as the repercussions of COVID-19 are just beginning to become clear. With the toll in Asia Pacific estimated at US$2.7 trillion in losses, companies need to brace for deep uncertainties ahead. In the face…
Understanding retail’s pressing digital needs in the age of the new normal
4 min read
As retail organizations battle lockdowns in different parts of the world due to the coronavirus, Forrester estimates that the industry will suffer a loss of US$2.1 trillion globally in 2020. In Asia Pacific alone, revenues are expected to fall by US$767 billion, a 10 percent decline over 2019 figures.…
From Offline to Online: How is Cisco Supporting SMBs During This Transition
4 min read
Today’s mandatory remote working situation in response to the COVID-19 situation has changed the way we live, work, play and learn. Businesses, especially small and medium businesses (SMBs) are challenged to minimize disruption to operations while continuing business-critical activities.…
How Can SMBs Navigate Digital Transformation and Adjust To This New Normal?
4 min read
In a span of three short months, we now find ourselves working from home with meetings taking place through video conferences. For companies like Cisco that are borne out of technology when it comes to remote working, this switch comes naturally. However, being kept to the confines of our homes comes…