
October 6, 2020


Why do you need next-gen technology to show the mirror to your digital experiences?

4 min read

Today’s next normal has established new realities for businesses in every industry. Employees are working from home and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future, customers are discovering, researching, and buying products and services online, and as a result, there’s an increased reliance…

August 31, 2020


Sales: When Art Meets Science

5 min read

Is selling an art, science, or both? We debunk the greatest sales debate of all time and discuss the shift in virtual selling with the rise of a “Phygital” model. Across the globe, sales is part of every possible business model, be it in terms of a product or service. Eons later, man continues to struggle…

August 18, 2020


Security in the next normal: Leaders need to think outside the (corporate) box

4 min read

A majority of staff is now working remotely, using personal devices, on unprotected networks, and often collaborating via unsecured tools. Obviously, this will result in a number of new or increased security threats, across the enterprise. However, the truth is that the distributed enterprise…

August 17, 2020


The Rise of Virtual Sales

3 min read

Virtual sales is now fundamental to survival and growth in a market where remote selling is the “next normal”. Gain new insights on the rise of this phenomenon and the benefits it has delivered. Virtual sales originated in the 1950s in the form known today as telemarketing. It has dramatically evolved…

August 10, 2020


Diversity Drives Sales Innovation

1 min read

Similarity kills innovation. Having a diverse workforce changes the way we think, resulting in higher success, plus efficiency. We live in a world filled with people from a diverse backgrounds; in order to succeed in a business that reflects the wider society, it is essential to have more intersectional…

August 10, 2020


Winning in the Virtual Sales World

2 min read

Is Selling an art, or a science? It’s BOTH: An equilibrium of innate ability and adopting a structured process. In this digital world, success is dependent on the strong analysis of customer’s profiles and business needs, whilst an adversity quotient (AQ) and the ability to influence the customers.…

July 28, 2020


Top 5 Insights to Becoming a Resilient SMB

3 min read

The likelihood of you seeing this meme during the pandemic is high: “Who led the digital transformation of your company? A chief executive officer, a chief technology officer or COVID-19?” While this may have been a light-hearted take on what is the biggest crisis we have faced in recent history, there…

July 15, 2020


The next decade belongs to organizations that can adapt and react quickly in the new normal

4 min read

The pandemic took everyone by surprise – no business or leader had the foresight to prepare for it – and the global marketplace has shifted dramatically as a result. The question on the mind of every C-suite executive now is ‘how do I retool my business to build a resilient enterprise that can survive the…

July 9, 2020


Universities and TAFEs to increase their use of digital technologies: insights from education executives

1 min read

More than 30 education executives from Australia, New Zealand and the US met virtually over Webex last week to discuss the outlook for education in what is being described as a `next normal’. The topic, Reimagining Education in a post COVID-19 World, was part of a round table which Cisco convened as part…