
Similarity kills innovation. Having a diverse workforce changes the way we think, resulting in higher success, plus efficiency. We live in a world filled with people from a diverse backgrounds; in order to succeed in a business that reflects the wider society, it is essential to have more intersectional inclusive voice heard across interactions.

How many times do we look at a problem from different perspectives? Typically and given the pace of life, we delve into a situation eager to help, please or resolve with time-efficient vigor. Do we honor ourselves and the teams we work in and lead by providing the space and capacity to glean further insight, and from people whom think differently than we do?

I believe diverse teams do better work, as an equal world is an empowered world. This has been demonstrated more than ever as companies step up to ride against the current thrown by the COVID-19 crisis. Treating each person as an equal in their views and contributions is key to fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment. Sure, we all have preferences that resonate more than others, but imagine missing out on learning from another a spark of knowledge that would enrich your perspective and progress your initiative further?

Similarity can kill innovation – participating and performing, as well as building teams that think differently can bring these sparks alive. Creative abrasion matters where leaders foster, not inhibit freedom of thought and contribution, as well as attracting and retaining talent from all walks and aspects of life into the teams we operate within.

But how do we achieve this in such a changing world in complex time-poor era? I am looking to explore these topics over the next month with ideas and suggestions on how we can slice out the space and balance the time needed to support diversity, and how diverse teams can improve engagement, performance and innovation within the tasks we set ourselves as employees, and as family caregivers. Let’s all look to one or two things we can do differently for an amazing impact!

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Angela Coronica
Neil Archer
Paul Wittich
Samuel Poh