Extreme challenges have put a spotlight on digital resilience of our education sector
2 min read
Recently a number of education CIOs from universities, vocational training and K-12 gathered for a full-day roundtable in Melbourne, Australia. The backdrop for the discussion was an escalating Covid-19 outbreak with huge potential implications for education. Educators were faced with a range…
Giving back to communities at times of need: Cisco Meraki lends hands at Wingham, NSW
3 min read
The last few months in Australia has seen the turmoil of the bushfire season make its way across communities, both far and near. Many people have been keen to support those who need the help, such as the extra hands to come together and repair physical effects of the elements, as well as rebuild a sense of…
Cisco’s 2020 Partner Award Winners: Australia & New Zealand
2 min read
At Cisco, we’re committed to working with our partners to succeed, together. It’s therefore incredibly important for us to recognise our top-performing partners for their achievements, with the Partner Award Winners for 2020 across Australia and New Zealand. Partners were selected for excellence…
Winners of the Cisco Women in IT Awards for 2020
1 min read
Cisco is proud to share the winners of the 2020 Women in IT Awards, recognising the very best in female talent across its customer and partner community. In response to the wealth of standout submissions, all categories exceeded the traditional six finalist limit, showcasing the very best in the…
Cisco & RMIT Launch Health Transformation Lab
3 min read
Cisco & RMIT Launch Health Transformation Lab Healthcare innovation to deliver game-changing health solutions Cisco & RMIT Health Transformation Lab aims to address health system transformation through applied innovation, a collaboration across academia and industry. The Lab operates…
Cisco thingQbator – creating a culture of innovation & entrepreneurship
3 min read
Every year I go on an annual pilgrimage. My place of worship is the Indian Institute of Technology at Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU), my alma matter. This year was special as it marked 2 years of the CiscoThingQbator experiment featuring 5 colleges across India, and an e-summit hosted by my alma…
“I work in a job that did not exist when I was studying.”
3 min read
A conversation with Emma Reid, Global Marketing Manager for Cisco’s Networking Academy Emma Reid is a well-regarded champion for diversity and equal opportunity particularly in creating programs that bridge the gap and enables a stronger sense of community within the IT industry. Emma is the Global…
Cisco partnering with CSIRO to bring STEM Professionals in Schools
3 min read
Did you build robots in primary school? Cisco has been partnering with CSIRO to bring Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Professionals to schools to share some insights about their roles, and in some cases, even build robots! STEM Professionals in Schools is a national volunteer program…
Cisco Top Trends for 2020
7 min read
The following is a summary of my predictions of the ICT trends for 2020. They have been selected because of their impact on the networking industry, and they forecast what is expected to happen or start happening, within the next 12 months. This information incorporates input and insights from several…