
Dave West


Asia Pacific, Japan, and Greater China

Dave West is President for Cisco Asia Pacific, Japan, and Greater China (APJC). This group comprises seven organizations operating across a diverse set of markets: Australia and New Zealand, ASEAN, India and SAARC, Korea, Japan, Greater China, and Service Provider. In this role, he is responsible for developing Cisco’s strategy, accelerating business growth, and ensuring Cisco APJC is the most trusted and relevant IT solutions partner and provider in the industry.

Dave works closely with customers to understand the market transitions influencing their businesses, and within Cisco, works cross-functionally with teams to design and implement innovative go-to-market models for customers' multiyear digital transformations. He is passionate about driving a people-first culture, creating opportunities for employee growth, and building diverse, high-performing teams.

Dave is a 20-year Cisco veteran with over 25 years of experience in the ICT industry. His most recent role was President and General Manager for Cisco Japan, where he managed all aspects of the Japanese market, and before that, he led Worldwide Sales for Enterprise Networks, with responsibility for the sales, solutions, and engineering motions to deliver innovation and transformation across Cisco’s core portfolio.

Prior to that, Dave was the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Architectures leader for Enterprise Networks, Data Center, Security, and Collaboration in Asia Pacific and Japan. He was responsible for capturing market transitions, delivering sustained competitive leadership, and driving growth across all technologies. He has held various leadership roles within the Worldwide Sales, Global Partner and Public Sector organizations.

Dave is a former Marine Officer, graduated from the Virginia Military Institute, and holds an MS in Information Systems from the Naval Postgraduate School.


January 1, 2021


New Year’s Greetings 2021 ― For Japan’s Inclusive Future

Japanese | English Dave West, January 1st, 2021 President and General Manager, Cisco Systems G.K. May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a joyous 2021! 2020 was a year like no other with the spread of COVID-19, an economic downturn, and postponement of the Olympic…

November 6, 2020


Visibility to enhance user experience with ThousandEyes and AppDynamics

We are very excited about the acquisition of ThousandEyes, which we have completed on August 7th, 2020. Combined with AppDynamics, Cisco will deliver the best digital experience to end users and greatly accelerate digital transformation in the Japanese market. Under the new normal, the Internet…

June 15, 2020


READY OR NOT, HERE IT COMES – Helping organizations transform digital assets in preparation for COVID-19 2nd wave

President and General Manager Cisco Systems G.K. Dave West The seasonal flu epidemic and the second wave of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) could reignite a public health crisis. As COVID-19 has already taken its toll on society, we have been warned that a large wave of infection could occur again…

June 15, 2020


COVID-19 第2波の到来に備え、企業のデジタル変革を支援

シスコシステムズ合同会社 代表執行役員社長 デイヴ・ウェスト 季節性インフルエンザの流行と新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19 )の第2波が重なり、公衆衛生の危機が再燃する―。COVID-19はすでに社会に打撃をもたらし、今年の秋から冬にかけて再び大規模な第2波の発生と経済的圧力が高まる可能性があると警告されています。パンデミックの最悪の状況は過ぎたとの一部の専門家やアナリストの声も聞かれ、ビジネス活動も通常にに戻りつつありますが、科学者や保健当局はそれに反対しています。企業、社会にとって、まだ警戒を緩める時ではないのかもしれません。もし…

April 30, 2020


COVID-19 pandemic prompts teleworking and outreach to society

Japanese  English The coronavirus pandemic threw the global economy into turmoil. In Japan, commercial activities are heavily restricted under the state of emergency declared by the government. As COVID-19 has become an unprecedented situation for all of us, online communication has become…

April 2, 2020


Supporting Rapidly Expanding Telework in Japan

Japanese     English We would like to express our heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the worldwide spread of the new coronavirus (COVID -19). The world, including Japan, is now coping with an unprecedented battle. In this situation, telework is an extremely effective means for companies…

January 1, 2020


New Year’s Greetings 2020 ― Internet for the Future

Japanese  English Building Next-Generation Network Infrastructure and Promoting Digital Innovation in Japan Dave West President and General Manager, Cisco Systems G.K. Please accept my warmest wishes for the New Year. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you, including our customers…

November 12, 2019


Contributing to Workstyle Innovation and Japan’ Economic Growth with Digital Solutions

Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population are structural problems that inhibit its economic growth. In order to address this issue, the Government of Japan is implementing various measures to realize a society in which all 100 million people are active. In particular, workstyle Innovation…

November 12, 2019



日本の経済成長を抑制する構造的な問題である少子高齢化と人口減少。日本政府はこの問題に立ち向かおうと、一億総活躍社会の実現に向け、様々な施策を展開しています。中でも、最大のチャレンジと位置付けるのが働き方改革です。2019年4月には「働き方改革関連法案」の一部が施行され、大企業から中小企業まで、官民挙げて働き方改革への本格的な取り組みが始まっています。 少子高齢化に伴う生産年齢人口の減少や育児や介護との両立など、働き手のニーズの多様化に直面する中、投資やイノベーションによる生産性向上とともに、就業機会の拡大や意欲・能力を存分に発揮できる環境を作ることが重要な課題になっています。働き方改革は、残業時間の短縮や生産性の向上に目が向けられることが多いですが、今後は、ダイバーシティの推進と働きがいの向上に改革のテーマが移ろうとしています。…