Cisco thingQbator – creating a culture of innovation & entrepreneurship
3 min read
Every year I go on an annual pilgrimage. My place of worship is the Indian Institute of Technology at Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU), my alma matter. This year was special as it marked 2 years of the CiscoThingQbator experiment featuring 5 colleges across India, and an e-summit hosted by my alma…
The Most Common Cyberthreats of 2019 – and How to Spot the Tell-tale Signs
4 min read
‘Tis the season of resolutions – and as we charter our course for 2020, it’s also a time for reflection as business leaders for organisations large and small ask themselves, what can we learn from the year before? Where did we triumph, and where did we fall? There’s one thing that’s sure to unite the entire…
Brace, Brace – What SMBs Can Learn From The Cybersecurity Breaches of 2019
4 min read
2019 was a watershed year. Liverpool won the Champions League, after arguably pulling off the most stunning comeback in sporting history. Hit TV series Game of Thrones came to an end after enthralling audiences for the best part of 8 years. A picture of a single egg became the most liked image on Instagram…
New Year’s Greetings 2020 ― Internet for the Future
2 min read
Japanese English Building Next-Generation Network Infrastructure and Promoting Digital Innovation in Japan Dave West President and General Manager, Cisco Systems G.K. Please accept my warmest wishes for the New Year. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you, including our customers…
The importance of getting the digital fabric right in education
1 min read
The University of Newcastle is the latest education institution to recognise the importance of a high-performance network to students, staff and its broader strategic ambitions. The University has started rolling out Cisco’s Wi-Fi6 technology throughout its campuses to realise: 40% faster speed…
A 20/20 Glimpse Into The Year 2020
5 min read
As the curtains draw near on an eventful 2019 marked by trade wars, government shutdowns, elections and more, it looks as though the coming leap year will be no less memorable. But beyond the headlines, furore and excitement, there’s no doubt that the past 12 months have also contained important lessons…
Digital Innovation Driving Positive Change in Student Experience
2 min read
Ask leaders in higher education about their biggest challenge and you’ll get a consistent answer: student experience, engagement and retention. In many ways it’s not surprising. Institutions take on a huge responsibility when they enrol a student and the impact of a student dropping out can be staggering…
Cisco wins 3 Channel Asia Innovation Awards in 2019
1 min read
Earlier this month, IDG Communications, one of the world’s largest tech media companies, held the inaugural Channel Asia Innovation Awards 2019 last night. These awards highlight the best the channel in ASEAN has to offer across a leading and diverse line-up of partners, vendors, distributors and…
Cisco re-inventing the future of networking
3 min read
With billions of devices connected to the Internet, and tens of billions more coming down the pike, the pressures on our infrastructure are heading for a peak and pushing the industry to solve for some fundamental growing pains. Numerous challenges have emerged as we’ve been operating in a landscape…