December 5, 2019


A 20/20 Glimpse Into The Year 2020

5 min read

As the curtains draw near on an eventful 2019 marked by trade wars, government shutdowns, elections and more, it looks as though the coming leap year will be no less memorable. But beyond the headlines, furore and excitement, there’s no doubt that the past 12 months have also contained important lessons…

November 29, 2019


Digital Innovation Driving Positive Change in Student Experience

2 min read

Ask leaders in higher education about their biggest challenge and you’ll get a consistent answer: student experience, engagement and retention. In many ways it’s not surprising. Institutions take on a huge responsibility when they enrol a student and the impact of a student dropping out can be staggering…

November 27, 2019


Using IoT to enable Agile Trading of Distributed Energy Resources

1 min read

In 2018, the number of Australian households with rooftop solar passed 2 million – that’s one in five.¹ Tomorrow’s smart grid will be a constellation of many generation sources working together, shifting from the traditional one-way power flows from generation through grids to consumers…

November 27, 2019


Cisco wins 3 Channel Asia Innovation Awards in 2019

1 min read

Earlier this month, IDG Communications, one of the world’s largest tech media companies, held the inaugural Channel Asia Innovation Awards 2019 last night. These awards highlight the best the channel in ASEAN has to offer across a leading and diverse line-up of partners, vendors, distributors and…

November 14, 2019


Internship Insights: what it’s like at Cisco

6 min read

The team at Cisco Australia and New Zealand are very passionate about helping the next generation in STEM, and see the value in sharing industry experience with those considering a future career in technology. Offering internships is part of this goal in support of Cisco’s AUSTEM 2020 goals, and to…

November 14, 2019


Cisco re-inventing the future of networking

3 min read

With billions of devices connected to the Internet, and tens of billions more coming down the pike, the pressures on our infrastructure are heading for a peak and pushing the industry to solve for some fundamental growing pains. Numerous challenges have emerged as we’ve been operating in a landscape…

November 12, 2019


Contributing to Workstyle Innovation and Japan’ Economic Growth with Digital Solutions

3 min read

Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population are structural problems that inhibit its economic growth. In order to address this issue, the Government of Japan is implementing various measures to realize a society in which all 100 million people are active. In particular, workstyle Innovation…

November 12, 2019



1 min read

日本の経済成長を抑制する構造的な問題である少子高齢化と人口減少。日本政府はこの問題に立ち向かおうと、一億総活躍社会の実現に向け、様々な施策を展開しています。中でも、最大のチャレンジと位置付けるのが働き方改革です。2019年4月には「働き方改革関連法案」の一部が施行され、大企業から中小企業まで、官民挙げて働き方改革への本格的な取り組みが始まっています。 少子高齢化に伴う生産年齢人口の減少や育児や介護との両立など、働き手のニーズの多様化に直面する中、投資やイノベーションによる生産性向上とともに、就業機会の拡大や意欲・能力を存分に発揮できる環境を作ることが重要な課題になっています。働き方改革は、残業時間の短縮や生産性の向上に目が向けられることが多いですが、今後は、ダイバーシティの推進と働きがいの向上に改革のテーマが移ろうとしています。…

November 7, 2019


Cisco announces winner of $250,000 prize in the Australia & New Zealand Partner Innovation Challenge

4 min read

Cisco announces winner of $250,000 prize in the Australia & New Zealand Partner Innovation Challenge: Accelerating technology adoption through AI Adoption Assistant   Taleka in partnership with ecosystem partner Appspace, is announced as the winner of the Australia & New Zealand Partner…