June 15, 2020


COVID-19 第2波の到来に備え、企業のデジタル変革を支援

1 min read

シスコシステムズ合同会社 代表執行役員社長 デイヴ・ウェスト 季節性インフルエンザの流行と新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19 )の第2波が重なり、公衆衛生の危機が再燃する―。COVID-19はすでに社会に打撃をもたらし、今年の秋から冬にかけて再び大規模な第2波の発生と経済的圧力が高まる可能性があると警告されています。パンデミックの最悪の状況は過ぎたとの一部の専門家やアナリストの声も聞かれ、ビジネス活動も通常にに戻りつつありますが、科学者や保健当局はそれに反対しています。企業、社会にとって、まだ警戒を緩める時ではないのかもしれません。もし…

June 4, 2020


Cisco’s Simplified Secure SD-WAN solutions enabled by business nbn™*

3 min read

Cisco is announcing simplified reference designs for Secure SD-WAN enabled by business nbn™ building on the Cisco and NBN Co collaboration announcement in 2019, to enhance and accelerate the digital capability of Australian businesses The solutions comprise of a combination of business nbn™ services…

May 25, 2020


Industry and Academia collaborating to share expertise and unlock innovation

1 min read

Research and industry collaboration are key in helping to deliver applied innovation at scale and reduce the time it takes to solve business problems through the use of current and emerging technologies. It is the future model for enabling co-innovation at scale in Australia. Working directly with…

May 12, 2020


Understanding retail’s pressing digital needs in the age of the new normal

4 min read

As retail organizations battle lockdowns in different parts of the world due to the coronavirus, Forrester estimates that the industry will suffer a loss of US$2.1 trillion globally in 2020. In Asia Pacific alone, revenues are expected to fall by US$767 billion, a 10 percent decline over 2019 figures.…

May 11, 2020


From Offline to Online: How is Cisco Supporting SMBs During This Transition

4 min read

Today’s mandatory remote working situation in response to the COVID-19 situation has changed the way we live, work, play and learn. Businesses, especially small and medium businesses (SMBs) are challenged to minimize disruption to operations while continuing business-critical activities.…

Understanding neurodiversity and autism as a superpower

4 min read

April marked Autism Awareness Month, which works to increase greater understanding, acceptance and inclusion of people on the autism spectrum. During the month, the Cisco Disability Awareness Network and Special Kids Group in Australia and New Zealand shared a questionnaire to help educate employees…

April 30, 2020


How Can SMBs Navigate Digital Transformation and Adjust To This New Normal?

4 min read

In a span of three short months, we now find ourselves working from home with meetings taking place through video conferences. For companies like Cisco that are borne out of technology when it comes to remote working, this switch comes naturally. However, being kept to the confines of our homes comes…

April 30, 2020


COVID-19 pandemic prompts teleworking and outreach to society

3 min read

Japanese  English The coronavirus pandemic threw the global economy into turmoil. In Japan, commercial activities are heavily restricted under the state of emergency declared by the government. As COVID-19 has become an unprecedented situation for all of us, online communication has become…

April 29, 2020


“It’s not about disability, it’s about differences, and different strengths we bring to the world.”

3 min read

A diverse, inclusive and collaborative workplace is something we are proud of at Cisco. Diversity is about embracing differences, and enabling people to bring different strengths to work. There are a number of initiatives close to the hearts of employees on missions to support inclusivity, and one…