People and Culture

October 15, 2020


Leadership is a Journey, Not a Destination

When we think about organisations, we associate them with the prominent and visible faces that represent them. The superstar leaders, the rockstar money generators, the eccentric founders. But rarely do we get a glimpse of the people other than these leaders. What I have realised from my time at Cisco…

September 7, 2020


Person of Impact

Drive a meaningful and impactful messages via 3 key themes – relevance, resonance and resourcefulness. In your next conversations, put these tips in play to be a person of impact. Be a Person of Impact! I am fortunate to lead Cisco’s APJC Woman of Impact program where I have the opportunity to coordinate…

September 1, 2020


‘A day for me’ across Australia & New Zealand

As part of its support for employees during this pandemic, Cisco offered the entire organisation a ‘day for you’ last Friday, for employees to spend how they wish. We asked our team to share how they spent the day across Australia & New Zealand, with varying experiences due to the current pandemic…

August 27, 2020


Bringing your whole self to work: Cisco Pride

The Cisco team has a range of employee resource organisations made up of passionate individuals who champion and support the full range of diversity and inclusion at Cisco. In fact, it’s what makes Cisco such a great place to work – underpinned by a culture in which you are encouraged to bring your whole…

August 24, 2020


Attracting Talent

Sourcing and hiring the highest potential talent can be a complex challenge for many employers when recruiting for early-level roles. To ‘win the talent battle’, companies must take a different approach. Attracting sales talent used to be a routine task for global corporations. For Sales hiring,…

August 10, 2020


Diversity Drives Sales Innovation

Similarity kills innovation. Having a diverse workforce changes the way we think, resulting in higher success, plus efficiency. We live in a world filled with people from a diverse backgrounds; in order to succeed in a business that reflects the wider society, it is essential to have more intersectional…

August 10, 2020


Managing Evolving Workforce

Like every generation before, motivations of the workforce have evolved. A new wave of information-rich individuals – the Generation Z or Millennials! – are shifting the way that companies think about hiring, developing and maintaining their top talent. So, how can companies attract,…

July 21, 2020


Cisco named #1 Best Place to Work in Australia!

I am so proud to share that Great Place to Work has recognised Cisco as the #1 Best Workplace in Australia, for organisations with more than 1,000 employees. Cisco has been moving up the ranks over the last few years, from #3 in 2018, #2 in 2019 and now, #1! Each year, we’ve listened to the feedback from our…

June 26, 2020


“Technology is life changing!” Marleese Attilakos shares her impressions of working in tech for 20 years

Marleese Attilakos is the Commercial State Sales Manager for Cisco Australia and New Zealand, based in Melbourne.  Marleese has been in the ICT industry for 20 years, with a diverse set of skills under her belt as an analyst, sales executive and sales leader, as well as working in operations and the…