
April 12, 2019


Cybersecurity for the Small and Mighty

2 min read

60% of all hacked SMBs go out of business after six months, according to the US National Cyber Security Alliance. This is unsurprising because the impact of cyber breaches on SMBs can deliver knock-out punches on multiple fronts. To begin with, the financial impact of global cyber breaches on SMBs quadruples…

April 9, 2019


Connectivity Podcast: More than just maintaining a stable internet connection

1 min read

Read the Connectivity Blog: Read about the SMB Inspire Series: Read the Security Blog:…

April 9, 2019


Connectivity Podcast: More than just maintaining a stable internet connection

1 min read

Originally Posted at:…

March 26, 2019


An Asia Pacific Lens on the Latest CISO Benchmark Study

3 min read

Cisco recently released the fifth edition of our CISO Benchmark Study which surveyed over 3,000 security leaders across 18 countries on the state of the CISO. With more data, more devices, and more applications, businesses and governments have more to protect. IT teams today are tasked with driving…

March 19, 2019


Three reasons why we’ve just had our best SP Summit yet, and there’s more in store

3 min read

I had the privilege of being part of this year’s SP Summit, a key part of Cisco Live Melbourne 2019. SP Summit is a key event on our regional Cisco calendar, a priceless opportunity for our key executives, both in the Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China region as well as our leaders with a global…

March 5, 2019


Introducing the Cisco SMB Inspire Series

1 min read

I’m Bidhan, and I look after our SMB business in Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China. I often meet with SMBs in the region to find out what keeps you up at night and learn something new from you every day. SMBs in my network tell me about the challenges they face and what they are doing to address them. I’ve…

January 21, 2019


Top 10 Trends for ICT in 2019

7 min read

The following is a summary of predictions of the ICT trends for 2019, selected due to their impact on the networking industry and forecast what is expected to happen or start happening, within the next 12 months.  “Intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience”…

thingQbator: Fostering innovation in a world of boundless opportunities

2 min read

As I travel back to my alma mater, Indian Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU), I have been thinking of how much the world has changed in the 26 years since I graduated. During my student days, the ultimate dream was to either go to the US for further studies, pursue an MBA with a leading…

January 8, 2019


How much more should companies invest in cybersecurity?

1 min read

Originally Posted at:…