Future of Work

November 25, 2020


What is SD-WAN and why should your business care about it?

2 min read

“SD-what?” I hear you say… let me explain! Over the last 10 to 20 years, small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) with multiple sites and branches have had pretty limited choices for good connectivity and bandwidth. This meant having to pay for what often amounted to expensive, low quality bandwidth,…

November 25, 2020


How businesses can adapt, pivot and become stronger

2 min read

From an economic viewpoint, COVID-19 has played out in quite different ways. Some industries have been hit hard, while others have either seemed to pivot well, or even thrive during the pandemic. But one thing is clear from my discussions with small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Australia. Those…

November 3, 2020


Are you neglecting security on your journey to tomorrow’s hybrid workplace?

3 min read

Leaders, managers, and executives have all been working from home for nearly eight months now. We’re living in the new normal and organizations are working on paving their way back to the office – but expectations have changed and IT leaders with a finger on the pulse know this. To paint a full picture,…

October 22, 2020


Asia Pacific Companies Seeing Highest Jump in Cyber Threat Alerts During Mass Remote Working, Cisco Report Finds

4 min read

News Summary: 69% of organizations in Asia Pacific experienced a 25% or more jump in cyber threats or alerts since the start of COVID-19 54% of organizations across the region said they were only ‘somewhat’ prepared and 7% were not prepared to support remote working at the outset of COVID-19 For 85% of…

October 22, 2020


Changing Cyber Culture: Disruption is an Opportunity for Transformation

3 min read

  You don’t need me to tell you that things have changed. The world has been on an accelerated pace of digitalization that has affected everything from how we buy our groceries, to the way we work and how businesses ensure productivity and business continuity. Along with this comes a stronger need…