Cisco, JTOWER, MKI, and Airspan Successfully Conduct Open RAN Trial
5 min read
Japanese | English Deploying Local 5G with in-Building Infrastructure Sharing News Summary: Industry leaders Cisco, JTOWER, MKI, and Airspan collaborate to enable sustainable network management with an Open RAN trial environment to deploy local 5G with in-building infrastructure sharing.…
Cisco and the University of Canberra establish a National Cybersecurity Partnership
4 min read
Improving Australia’s cybersecurity resilience is the aim of a new partnership between global technology company Cisco and the University of Canberra. The partnership includes: The establishment of Innovation Central Canberra – a hub for industry and government to validate cybersecurity…
EV makers need new-age, technology-first manufacturing solutions
3 min read
From the outside, an electric vehicle (EV) looks just like a gas-powered vehicle. But it’s not. Under the chassis, there are differences – an electric car typically has lighter parts, uses no spark plug, and has no need for many of the heavy mechanical components typically found in a gas-powered vehicle.…
Fostering an inclusive hybrid work environment with the right collaboration tools and networking technologies
4 min read
It has been around two months since I’ve moved from Japan to Singapore and taking charge of the Small and Medium sized Businesses (SMB) Growth Office in APJC. Besides meeting my Singapore-based colleagues and getting used to the tropical climate, I have also witnessed first-hand the strong integration…
Building A South Asian Banking Super App
4 min read
Over the last decade, the pace of change in South Asia has been phenomenal. From reaping the demographic dividend, to leveraging a rapidly growing network of mobile and internet connections, to helping individuals see technology as an enabler – the region has certainly levelled-up. One of the milestones…
Cisco Singapore – Paying It Forward @Willing Hearts
2 min read
Singapore, August 19, 2022: When the call for volunteering came, the Cisco Singapore team answered! Proudly wearing their recognizable blue Cisco tees, they embarked on their mission to pay it forward by spending the morning of Friday, August 19, at Willing Hearts. Willing Hearts is a non-profit…
Equity and Access in K-12: The role technology and industry have to play
1 min read
I am constantly reminded of the transformative potential of education, but never more so when I share a room with passionate educators. I had the opportunity to do this in August as part of the Education Summit held in Perth. The stories and insights from education experts focused on the theme for the…
Why financial executives looking to drive digital focus on uptime and availability
4 min read
No executive in the financial services business wants to be in a position where their customers yearn to do something digitally but cannot. Be it opening an account, compliance with prevailing know your customer (KYC) guidelines, executing a transaction, generating a report, or even communicating…
Using technology to securely transform the education sector in one of Asia’s largest economies
4 min read
The education sector needs technology just as much as anyone else in the world. It gives students the flexibility to learn on-demand, creates opportunities for inter-departmental and inter-university collaboration, allows the creation of shared databases to house important research documents,…