Top 10 Trends for ICT in 2019
7 min read
The following is a summary of predictions of the ICT trends for 2019, selected due to their impact on the networking industry and forecast what is expected to happen or start happening, within the next 12 months. “Intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience”…
thingQbator: Fostering innovation in a world of boundless opportunities
2 min read
As I travel back to my alma mater, Indian Institute of Technology Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU), I have been thinking of how much the world has changed in the 26 years since I graduated. During my student days, the ultimate dream was to either go to the US for further studies, pursue an MBA with a leading…
How much more should companies invest in cybersecurity?
1 min read
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How Industry 4.0 is propelling Asia-Pacific’s competitiveness
3 min read
It’s the week of the “Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC” event – the first of its kind in the region as it races to affirm its position as the global manufacturing leader. Manufacturing has long played a critical role in Asia-Pacific’s economy and overall competitiveness…
Technology-driven change for skills
3 min read
Digital Disruption There is no doubt that the pace of change is accelerating as technology innovation cycles continue to move more rapidly. The shift to digital is disrupting all facets of our lives, and the workplace and our education systems are feeling the effects, creating both challenges and…