Simplifying the IT buying process for small and mid-sized businesses
2 min read
COVID-19 has sped up digital adoption, with the need to support and enable remote workers with security and collaboration technologies universal across all businesses. As we move from response to recovery, having access to leading technology and expertise is crucial. This is especially important…
World Mental Health Day – A virtual flower for Lifeline
2 min read
Saturday marks World Mental Health Day, and October Mental Health Month, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world. At Cisco, the team is changing the conversation about mental health, encouraging people to talk about mental health openly. And in the…
‘A day for me’ across Australia & New Zealand
2 min read
As part of its support for employees during this pandemic, Cisco offered the entire organisation a ‘day for you’ last Friday, for employees to spend how they wish. We asked our team to share how they spent the day across Australia & New Zealand, with varying experiences due to the current pandemic…
Bringing your whole self to work: Cisco Pride
3 min read
The Cisco team has a range of employee resource organisations made up of passionate individuals who champion and support the full range of diversity and inclusion at Cisco. In fact, it’s what makes Cisco such a great place to work – underpinned by a culture in which you are encouraged to bring your whole…
Cisco Viewpoints as the Bridge to Insights
2 min read
Virtual sales has become more relevant than ever for businesses steering through the new reality in a COVID-19 impacted world. Here at Cisco, we have embraced digital transformation and been at the forefront of virtual selling for many years. Our Global Virtual Sales & Engineering (GVSE) …
“Technology is life changing!” Marleese Attilakos shares her impressions of working in tech for 20 years
3 min read
Marleese Attilakos is the Commercial State Sales Manager for Cisco Australia and New Zealand, based in Melbourne. Marleese has been in the ICT industry for 20 years, with a diverse set of skills under her belt as an analyst, sales executive and sales leader, as well as working in operations and the…
Industry and Universities partner for new National Industry Innovation Network
2 min read
A new model for industry and universities to collaborate in addressing real-world industry challenges and respond to long-term national interests. The alliance builds and amplifies the joint innovation capability, combining the assets and expertise of industry and universities. Opportunity…
Understanding neurodiversity and autism as a superpower
4 min read
April marked Autism Awareness Month, which works to increase greater understanding, acceptance and inclusion of people on the autism spectrum. During the month, the Cisco Disability Awareness Network and Special Kids Group in Australia and New Zealand shared a questionnaire to help educate employees…
“It’s not about disability, it’s about differences, and different strengths we bring to the world.”
3 min read
A diverse, inclusive and collaborative workplace is something we are proud of at Cisco. Diversity is about embracing differences, and enabling people to bring different strengths to work. There are a number of initiatives close to the hearts of employees on missions to support inclusivity, and one…