
December 20, 2017


2017: A Lot to Be Proud Of

As we head into the last few days of 2017, I look back on the year with gratitude and pride. I want to thank our employees, partners and customers for being part of the Cisco Services journey during the year. Together, we explored some exciting new territory in technology services. We have some amaz…

December 19, 2017


2018 Predictions for SD-WAN (#sdwan)

SD-WAN has blown past all of our 2017 expectations. It has become one of the hottest trends in networking, and forecasts are increasing every quarter with IDC predicting the size of the SD-WAN market to be $8.05B by 2021. My colleagues keep asking me, “Where do we go from here?” Will the forecasts c…

December 19, 2017


Cisco Employees Take Ugly Holiday Sweaters to New Heights (Lows?)

Every year, teams get together in December to celebrate the close of another calendar year, to wind down and just have some good old fashioned team fun. There are white elephant gift exchanges, team dinners, and – a Cisconian favorite – ugly holiday sweater contests. This year will be no different.…

December 19, 2017


Cisco Achieves 31st TSIA STAR Recognition and 11th J.D. Power Certification

Cisco continues to be on the leading edge, driving innovation and acceleration for our customers. Our commitment to quality customer service is no exception. For these reasons and many more, Cisco Services has been awarded its 31st STAR Award by Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) along…

December 18, 2017


Santa’s Best Kept (Digital) Secret

One week away from Christmas – let the countdown begin! Don’t get me wrong, I love this time of the year, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about how many talented marketing professionals don’t want to lose traction with their key stakeholders. In my last blog post, I talked about how the engagem…

December 18, 2017


No One Can Detect Threats in Your Public Cloud Like Cisco

Whether it is misconfigured cloud assets, phishing, or malware, protecting your public cloud workloads from threats is a challenge with expensive consequences. If you have tried to extend your on-premises threat detection solutions in the public cloud, you probably know that they can be hard to mana…

December 18, 2017


Reaching for the Next Level Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud will be the way many companies, across industries, future-proof business and innovate faster than ever before. I recently shared my thoughts with Information Week about the evolution of customers’ hybrid cloud expectations and the new requirements that are impacting how customers think…

December 15, 2017


Fiber Optics: Not Something To Make Light Of – Part 1

Written by Priya Maratukulam, Product Manager, Transceiver Modules Group, Cisco This is the first part in a series on the basic principles of fiber optic communication.  Have you ever wondered how the data we transmit through the internet is able to travel thousands of miles around the globe?  Well,…

December 14, 2017


IoT in 2018: Time for Business

Until now, the Internet-of-Things revolution has been, with notable outlier examples, largely theoretical and experimental. In 2018, we expect that many existing projects will show measurable returns, and more projects get launched to capitalize on data produced by billions of new connected things.…