
January 19, 2018


Blockchain and a Safer Self-Driving Future

Four self-driving cars head toward an intersection at the same time. One plans to go straight, three want to turn, and all vehicles want to get their passengers to destinations as swiftly as possible. Approaching the intersection, each autonomous vehicle is aware of the others, wirelessly communicat…

January 18, 2018


Thinking Outside the Box (Literally) – A Creative Finding Herself in the World of Tech

We’ve all been told to think outside the box. As a marketer and a creative, it’s a motto I’ve followed throughout my life. Never did I think that one day that box would be a network router. I’ve always considered myself to be a creative person. In college, I discovered that marketing was the perfect…

January 17, 2018


See Service Management and Orchestration from Edge to Cloud in Action at Cisco Live Barcelona

You can compare the Internet of Things (IoT) to the human body. When your hand picks up a –cup of hot tea or coffee, touch sensors in your fingers detect right away it is hot. Pain impulses to the nervous system signal the brain to let go of the cup. While actuators in the hand obey, the brain…

January 17, 2018


Love What You Do

“Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” There’s scholarly discussion about how to attribute that quote, but I am sure that I know who LIVES that quote, and that’s me and my team and my colleagues and Cisco employees around the globe. How do I know this? Because today Cisco laun…

January 16, 2018


Year in Review: Charting a Path Through the Fog

Fog computing is the distributed cloud technology that enables many of the real-time, data-intensive capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G mobile technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. 2017 was a banner year for this emerging technology, reflected in the work that Cisc…

January 15, 2018


Korea In The Crosshairs

This blog post is authored by Warren Mercer and Paul Rascagneres and with contributions from Jungsoo An. This article exposes the malicious activities of Group 123 during 2017. We assess with high confidence that Group 123 was responsible for the following six campaigns: “Golden Time” c…

January 12, 2018


Security Challenges and Opportunities: The Security Day at Cisco Live in Barcelona on 29th January

[January 19, 2018 Update: Registrations for Security Day are now closed. Please visit our Security Track page here to learn about our security sessions and other events at Cisco Live Barcelona.] Every organisation has something valuable to protect and adversaries who want to get their hands on it. T…

January 11, 2018


Why Digital Success Depends on the Right Network

Many of us often gravitate to the “bargain”.  We’re intrigued by one-day only deals.  However, when it comes to long-term purchases, we’re typically guided by quality, brand, and safety.  We don’t want to “go cheap” when building a house or buying a car.  We recognize the importance of a strong foun…

January 11, 2018


Cisco and Cloud4Wi: Unlocking Wi-Fi’s Full Potential

As brick and mortar businesses transform themselves in the new digital economy, Wi-Fi is becoming a fundamental building block for success. Wi-Fi is ubiquitous and customers are usually eager to take advantage of available Wi-Fi connectivity. It’s a perfect opportunity to unlock the full potential o…