It’s Not a Network Problem, and I Can Prove It
When the telephone rings in the IT department, you can bet there’s an unhappy user on the other end. “I can’t connect.” “My app won’t load.” “The network keeps kicking me off.” “The wireless has been flakey for two weeks.” The only thing more certain than dissatisfied users is a frustrated IT depart…
IoT Evolution Expo Reveals a Broad Range of Platforms, Standards and Approaches
I’m pleased to introduce my colleague Chuck Byers, who is Principle Engineer and Platform Architect with Cisco’s Corporate Strategic Innovations Group. He works on the architecture and implementation of fog computing platforms, media processing systems, and the Internet of Things. He also serves as…
Three Years On: Open Standards, Open Source, Open Loop
Last November, I had the honor of speaking on the auspicious occasion of the IETF’s 100th meeting (in Singapore). Because the IETF is a standards development organization (SDO) with which I have both a deep history and interest, I wanted to provoke, catalyze and hopefully accelerate discussion and…
Cisco and LGE Remove Friction from the Meeting Experience
We are on a mission to reduce complexity. You expect your workplace tools to be as easy to use as the products you like to use at home. When there are too many buttons to push or you can’t navigate controls, you give up. Yet, when you walk into most rooms used for video conferencing, the screens are…
Journey from Cisco Intern to Associate Sales Representative
When you’re an intern, you’re never quite sure where you’re going next. Yes, you have dreams and ambitions of where you career might take you, but life is full of unexpected twists and turns. So, you can imagine my surprise when I found out that I would be rejoining Cisco after my internship as a fu…
A Strategy for Multicloud Success
Organizations universally agree that cloud solutions provide compelling benefits in speed, flexibility, cost model and architecture. Trade publications regularly document the latest cloud news. Vendors rush to incorporate cloud into their solutions. Industry analysts capture the latest cloud trends…
An Industry-First: A Better Framework for Cyber Risk
Let’s start with something we all know by now: cyber risk is real. And as our reliance on technology in the workplace increases, bad actors will look for opportunities to exploit it. As we have seen from headlines over the past few years, ransomware is becoming more pervasive, and the most prominent…
Going Bald for St. Baldricks – A Promise Made is a Promise Kept
I am about to go bald. 18” inches of long, crazy purple hair that my colleagues always comment on and know me by will be gone. Seem crazy to you? It gets even crazier. It’ll all be happening just two days after I’m married. Why the heck would I do that? I’m glad you asked. 🙂 You may have re…
Cisco Container Platform – Kubernetes for the Enterprise
Developed by Google to shepherd their in-house container clusters, Kubernetes has been vying for the attention and adoption of cloud architects. For the past several years, Docker Swarm, Mesos and Kubernetes have engaged in the duel to bring orchestration nirvana to containerized applications. While…