iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro: A Win for Users and Admins
The latest iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro remind us that the iPhone is a great business partner. The blend of advanced capabilities in iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro, and features built through the strategic partnership between Apple and Cisco, make the new models excellent devices both for users, and for…
Cisco Cyber Vision: Under the hood
It’s an exciting time for organizations that are migrating to Industry 4.0. Over the last few decades, industrial control systems (ICS) have enabled modern industrial automation. Today, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies present new opportunities to increase operational efficien…
New Cisco Validated Designs offer customers more recipes for IoT success
In the kitchen, you strive to use the highest-quality ingredients possible. But you don’t typically serve one or two ingredients on a plate. Instead, you build a plan for what to serve and how to combine the ingredients to achieve the desired results. Unless you’re a culinary whiz, you probably want…
Cisco announces comprehensive IIoT security architecture, Cyber Vision for visibility and Edge Intelligence
IoT discussions have moved from counting the number of connected devices to use cases and value creation for each industry. Organizations in transportation, public sector, energy and manufacturing industries are looking to translate IoT edge data into meaningful information and derive business value…
Datacenter Security: How to Balance Business Agility with Great Protection
When IDC consults with enterprise customers or performs worldwide surveys, security is invariably an acute concern. That’s regardless of geography, industry, and identity of respondent (executive, LoB, IT, DevOps, etc.). While the challenge of providing protection and security extends across all pla…
Cisco SD-WAN Delivers True Zero-Touch Provisioning
Contributor: Mike Ketabforoosh SD-WAN is a must-have for IT teams around the world. In fact, Cisco expects that 95% of its customers will implement SD-WAN within two years. The demand is incredible. One of the most impressive capabilities in SD-WAN is Zero-Touch Provisioning or “ZTP.” With its abil…
Wi-Fi 6 and Winning in the Mobile-First World
Welcome to the next installment in The Fast Five series, where I track down Cisco executives to talk about their solutions developed for our distributors and two-tier Partners. In just a few minutes, you will learn how to position our innovations to your customers, what programs you can access from…
Diving Deeper into Wi-Fi 6!
Wow… 12 months at Cisco has flown by! I have already been fortunate to speak at not one, but two, Cisco Live events, numerous customer and partner events including DevNet Express, and have been a part of awesome new product launches with our Catalyst and Meraki wireless portfolio. All of this has…
#CiscoChat LIVE: DevNet Network Automation Exchange
Happy New (Fiscal) Year, Cisco! We are kicking-off Fiscal Year 2020 with a special #TeamDevNet #CiscoChat LIVE! featuring: Bill Hentschell (@BHentschell) John McDonough (@johnamcdonough) Patrick Rockholz (@patrickrockholz) …and moderated by yours truly (@silviakspiva). The #CiscoChat LIVE! will be o…