
November 15, 2018


Digital Communications in India: Global Aspirations, Local Economics

When I left India to work in the US (1997), little did I realize that I would reconnect with her in a way unimaginable then! At the time, less than 1% of India’s population had access to the Internet at home.  Since then, Internet connectivity in India has exploded, growing to 426 million users as o…

November 15, 2018


6 Reasons for Doing an Internship at Cisco

Blog post written by Cisco intern Riley Nickels. Even during the last week of my internship, the idea of being at Cisco still excites me! Sure, I’m well settled into my daily role and the company’s culture – with the offices now feeling like a second home. So why the continued excitement – even as w…

November 13, 2018


SD-WAN Fundamentals and Resources

History of WAN circuits I still remember the mid to late 1990s and my first interactions with the Internet. At that time I had my Pentium personal computer for around a year and Windows 95 was all the rage. And while Solitaire and Minesweeper were fun enough, that Broadcom 56kbps modem really opened…

November 8, 2018


Escaping Poverty through Education – Leading at Cisco

Growing up in the South Bronx, NY – I didn’t have access to the Internet, cable TV, or even a telephone. After school most days, I took the long way home to avoid the drug dealers, gangs, and addicts. During summer and winter breaks, my aunt took me and my cousins to the free lunch program at a near…

November 6, 2018


Question the Limit of your Opportunity

I joined Cisco one year ago in the summer of 2017 as a New Grad Software Engineer. And when I did, people often gave me the same piece of advice: “Take advantage of working at a large established company, you’ll never get better opportunities to grow in your career than this.” This advice really res…

November 1, 2018


How Cisco’s Technology Helps to Build Communities

Technology often gets pegged as an “isolator” – accused of taking people away from the world around them. However, what many miss is that technology is also a connector – connecting us deeply to people, places, and ideas around the world. At Cisco, we find community builders on every step of our jou…

October 29, 2018


Cybersecurity: A spooky tech-tale for Halloween

In the world of government cybersecurity, ghosts and goblins often take a different form. An innocent looking email, a nondescript USB drive, or even a seemingly helpful bot. Each can serve as a harbinger of doom, delivering destructive malware that leaves your network in disarray. So as the ghosts…

October 17, 2018


Business innovation or stable IT – you no longer have to choose

Your technology investments play a critical role in the success of your business. They drive efficiencies. Accelerate the introduction of new products and services. Help your business gain a competitive edge and increase profitability. It’s no surprise that with the number of technologies and soluti…

October 2, 2018


The Teamwork of Marathons: Cisco Employees Train Together

When you think “Run a Marathon” – you likely don’t think “Cisco”. That’s fair. We’re a tech company. But did you know that Cisco (especially our campus at Cisco India) has a vibrant running community? It’s true – we do! And not long after I had qualified for the prestigious and much-sought-after Bos…