cybersecurity awareness

October 29, 2018


Cybersecurity: A spooky tech-tale for Halloween

In the world of government cybersecurity, ghosts and goblins often take a different form. An innocent looking email, a nondescript USB drive, or even a seemingly helpful bot. Each can serve as a harbinger of doom, delivering destructive malware that leaves your network in disarray. So as the ghosts…

October 3, 2018


Phishing 101: Protection for Everyone

Every October, we celebrate National Cybsersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). This NCSAM, the five weeks of October are focused on five separate cybersecurity themes: simple steps to online safety, cybersecurity in the workplace, prediction for tomorrow’s internet, consider a career in cybersecurity,…

October 13, 2017


Cybersecurity is Everyone’s Responsibility: 5 ways to turbo charge your security practices

This post was authored by Scott Garrett, GSSO, Cisco and Matt Gyde, Group Executive Security, Dimension Data. The speed at which we operate in a mobile world can result in risky user behaviors that threat actors are taking advantage of in order to breach information. Attackers are targeting the huma…

October 11, 2017


Top 3 Future Cyber Threats For State and Local Governments

Law Enforcement evidence held for ransom, utilities taken offline and transportation derailed. All have happened in the last 12 months. Sometimes it feels like TV supervillains from our childhood have come to life; CHAOS, Cobra and, worst of all, the dreaded Legion of Doom. But in a world of interna…

October 7, 2016


Top 5 Security Threats for Retailers in the Digital Age

As we enter Cybersecurity Awareness month, it’s an appropriate time to closely examine the specific security threats that retailers and hospitality providers face each and every day. In these industries, the overall “attack surface” is becoming dramatically more complex and hackers are more sophisti…

June 28, 2016


Don’t Risk IT: Cybersecurity Risk Driving IT Modernization

Many federal, state, and local government agencies are operating old, outdated and end-of-life network equipment. You may think this just means slower, less efficient operation – not worth the cost to refresh your infrastructure, right? Wrong. Outdated network equipment is actually a major cyb…

October 27, 2014


Mobility, Security and the Pressure In-Between

From checking bank statements to booking flights, mobile phones have become integral to our everyday lives. In the near future, the number of mobile devices will exceed the world’s population, and by 2017, we expect more than 10 billion mobile devices to be used across the globe. With this prolifera…