wide area network
SD-WAN Fundamentals and Resources
History of WAN circuits I still remember the mid to late 1990s and my first interactions with the Internet. At that time I had my Pentium personal computer for around a year and Windows 95 was all the rage. And while Solitaire and Minesweeper were fun enough, that Broadcom 56kbps modem really opened…
A New Type of WAN that Grows with Your Business
Wide Area Networking has seen disruption like never before in the past 5 years. The use of technology to transform how businesses interact with their customers and partners combined with the changing behavior of how employees connect and use the network is challenging existing WAN architectures. For…
Cloudburst: iOS 8 Generates 50% Increase in Network Traffic
Many network engineers recall the iOS7 update on September 18, 2013 as one of the most historic download days of their network’s history. All the more reason for us in the wireless world who anxiously anticipated the September 17 release of iOS8. We asked a few of our customers to monitor the effect…