Cisco Partners

July 26, 2018


Using Data to Conserve Energy

The University of British Columbia (UBC) wanted to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 67% from its 2007 levels over the next five years. For any organization pursuing sustainability, building management is a top priority. Buildings account for 40% of all primary energy use, and cutting back of…

July 23, 2018


Cisco Kinetic is helping cities become “Smart Cities”

How do cities gather operational information? In what ways do city traffic engineers and planners gain visibility to traffic conditions and impacting weather conditions?  Exactly how do Road Maintenance Supervisors determine if they need to send their crews to repair a problem? The answer is through…

July 19, 2018


A New School of Learning

Roanoke County is home to five high schools, full of students who are ready to learn. But the county couldn’t always bring kids classes that fit their strengths. Each school was a bit different, with its own subjects and electives. Which meant German could be offered in one school, while a student d…

July 17, 2018


Mid-Year Checkpoint: Three Customer Experience Strategies to Implement Now

When a vacation starts off bad, it can set the tone for the entire trip. Fortunately, that didn’t happen when my family kicked off our recent vacation in Paris. Because of my background at Cisco, I couldn’t help but notice that our first-rate experience was powered by an impressive combination of pe…

July 16, 2018


Business Outcomes, The World Cup, and Partner Differentiation

This weekend, France emerged victorious over Croatia and hoisted the trophy as FIFA World Cup champions. I was one of millions of viewers held in rapture by the tournament, especially as it entered the home stretch. It was a little after 2pm local time a couple weeks ago when Salt Lake City airport&…

July 12, 2018


Get Inspired with Cisco at Microsoft Inspire

Planning to attend Microsoft Inspire July 15-July 19 in Las Vegas? During your visits to the many casinos and shows that Vegas has to offer, don’t forget to add a visit to Cisco’s booth 1313 in the Inspire Commons. I guarantee that you will come away with ideas on how Cisco solutions for Microsoft c…

July 12, 2018


Build a Great Partnership with the Right Tools

Deutsche Telekom is one of largest telecommunications companies in the world. After establishing themselves and their program as a best practice in Germany, the company was looking to expand their reach. They began focusing on their business in Central Europe to boost sales in places like Croatia an…

July 10, 2018


Breaking out of the Technical Sales Cocoon

It may seem harsh to say you need to break out of your cocoon, but it is meant as a compliment!!  Metamorphosis is often used as an analogy for change, and the cocoon stage is the stage of transformation from a caterpillar to butterfly.   The reason for this analogy is I think the top sales leaders…

July 10, 2018


Now it’s even easier to be Master Specialized

Aligning to today’s digital climate means that we must change the way we approach our customers. We are thinking differently about how we address their needs. According to Garner, worldwide IT spending is forecasted to reach $3.7 trillion this year. This growth in the line-of-businesses (LOB) spend…