
February 5, 2018


Internet of Things (IoT) Data Continues to Explode Exponentially. Who Is Using That Data and How?

IoT and data statistics are staggering, to the point of appearing fantastical: 5 quintillion bytes of data produced every day (that’s 2.5 followed by 18 zeros) By the year 2020, the IoT will comprise more than 30 billion connected devices It would take a lifetime to manually analyze the data produc…

December 12, 2017


The Digital Age Takes Over: Top 5 Predictions for Reshaping Value in 2018 and Beyond

Welcome to 2018. My predictions consider what’s happening in technology — and how technology is changing society and business. 1. The Internet of Trust Takes Center Stage By 2020, up to 50 billion devices will connect to the Internet of Things (IoT), generating data and analytics in support of autom…

November 20, 2017


Five to Thrive in a Disruptive Environment: Part 2

In my previous blog, I introduced the concept of Five to Thrive. These leadership tips can help you navigate a world of astounding change and mind-boggling opportunities. And, hopefully, avoid the risks and threats hiding around every corner. To learn about the first three—Recognize the Source of Va…

November 13, 2017


Introducing #TheGrubbCast – Taming IT Complexity with Automation & Visibility

A technology guru explains his new podcast on industry trends in technology & infrastructure. About Me I’ve always loved technology and learning about how everything works.  When I’m not working you might find me learning how to fly a plane, designing a circuit board, or taking images of deep sk…

November 8, 2017


Era of Intelligence – Cisco Live Cancun 2017

Here I am again at another Cisco Live! I’m pretty excited about this one, because I’m not hosting anything…I’m really just here to learn and spread some of that information to everyone else. If you’re interested in what Ruba Borno had to say, which technologies she made…

November 7, 2017


From Reactive to Predictive Services: The Power of Services Innovation

When you think about IT services for your network, groundbreaking innovation may not be the first thing you think of. Top of mind for most people might be a world-class engineering team with great people skills, deep knowledge, and a long track record of success. But now, with the launch of Cisco’s…

November 2, 2017


Creating Smarter, Safer, More Inclusive Workplaces: Are You In?

In our digital and connected world, the opportunities are simply too large and fast-moving for any one company to seize on its own. That’s why we created Cisco Hyperinnovation Living Labs (CHILL). CHILL gathers together an impressive cross-section of large industry players to tackle large industry i…

October 23, 2017


Why Informed Decisions with Analytics are Key to Sporting and Business Success

The sporting achievements of top athletes often appear effortless, with each goal on target, photo finish or unstoppable ace seeming like a celebration of their natural talent. Yet in reality, these individual triumphs are the culmination of not only an intensive training regime, but detailed data a…

October 18, 2017


Accelerating Productivity and Profitability with the Power of Services

What if you could simultaneously reduce your network downtime by 74 percent and increase IT efficiency by 30 percent? What would you do with your newfound time? Maybe you would divert recovered costs toward revenue-generating activities. Perhaps you would redirect resources to take meaningful steps…