advanced services

Data-Driven Hacks Part 5: How Can You Make Trust Key to Your Success?

As you package together these hacks, be sure to include this final hack. It’s critical—and, surprisingly, often overlooked. Hack No. 4: Trust is the Key to Success The final consideration for proactive change is building trust by sharing data that shows you’re listening. This is worth repeating. Bui…

Data-Driven Hacks Part 4: How Can You Rely on a Diverse Listening Infrastructure?

In Part 3 of my hack blog series, I shared the value of accessing talent to dig into your data. Together with understanding process, you’ll be a step ahead in transitioning your business in a very competitive landscape. Today, I’m introducing my third data-driven hack. A hack you need to get started…

Data-Driven Hacks Part 3: How Can You Access Talent to Dig into Data?

In my previous blog, I introduced the power of understanding your process to make improvements and increase productivity. This hack is especially important to be an expert—and make decisions based on that expertise. My second of four data-driven hacks relates to talent. Finding it. Leveraging it. Re…

Data-Driven Hacks Part 2: How Can You Master the Past to Own the Future?

In my previous blog, I introduced the fact that real time isn’t always enough. In many cases, real-time data leads to reactive decisions. Not very conducive in our ever-evolving digital world. But you’re not alone. I have four hacks—all driven by data—that can help your organization benefit from a v…

April 12, 2018


A Team Anthem? Yeah, We’ve Got That!

Read a few posts on this blog and you’ll see that there are a lot of #LoveWhereYouWork examples. From sharing stories of giving back with friends after work to shouting it from the mountaintops because you can’t contain yourself. My Cisco Advanced Services team is no different. I’m a Project Specia…

January 25, 2018


Barcelona, Here I Come!

As they say in Barcelona, next week will be “la leche.” A very good week indeed. Cisco Live Barcelona kicks off on Monday, and I’ll be there taking it all in! The Spanish metropolis has long had a reputation for being at the forefront of urban technological innovation. They have a municipal network…

November 13, 2017


Business Critical and High Value Services on TechWiseTV

There’s been a lot of talk about the new service offerings Cisco recently announced and Robb and I are here to help you separate the signal from the noise. Robb gets the high level overview with Bryan Palma, SVP of Advanced Services, as well as Joe Pinto, SVP of Technical Services. And I deep…

November 7, 2017


Five to Thrive in a Disruptive Environment: Part 1

At last count, Gartner tracks more than 450 IoT platforms in the market. And that’s just today. It’s astounding the number of tools and the amount of technology continuously being invented and reinvented. The impacts and the stakes are extremely high. Nine out of ten companies will experience a reve…

4 Ways to Maximize Your Advanced Services Experience at Cisco Live Las Vegas

What happens in Vegas won’t stay in Vegas! The excitement is building around top transformation topics: cloud, security, optimization, analytics, and more. Be sure you’re in the know with industry-leading solutions demos and informative sessions from the Advanced Services experts at Cisco Live from…