
Data-Driven Hacks Part 4: How Can You Rely on a Diverse Listening Infrastructure?

In Part 3 of my hack blog series, I shared the value of accessing talent to dig into your data. Together with understanding process, you’ll be a step ahead in transitioning your business in a very competitive landscape. Today, I’m introducing my third data-driven hack. A hack you need to get started…

Want to be heard? Be quiet.

In a world that has become more digital and collaborative — where everyone struggles to be heard — the temptation is to shout louder. But what if a different leadership style could be more effective? What if listening rather than broadcasting could make us agile in an unpredictable world…

November 27, 2013


2014 Digital and Social Media Trends Twitter Chat Recap

Thank you to everyone that participated in the Let’s Chat! #Ciscosmt Series 2014 Digital and Social Media Trends Twitter chat. What a lively discussion and a special thanks to our guest Molly McHugh (@iammollymchugh), Web and Social Section Editor at @DigitalTrends. She really helped outline trends…

November 11, 2013


Exploring 2014 Digital and Social Media Trends

It’s hard to believe another calendar year is coming to an end less than 2 months. I’m amazed at the pace of which digital and social media continue to evolve and get excited when I think of what 2014 might bring in the way of further surprises. As we continue to plan for the coming year and look fo…

October 1, 2013


Social Media Measurement Twitter Chat Recap

Can there ever be enough discussion around “social media measurement”? While I joke as part of the opening of this post, it is a topic that we’ll continue to explore in upcoming #Ciscosmt activities. And as a follow up to my recent “Decoding Social Media Measurement” post, last Thu…

September 24, 2013


A Chapter from My Unwritten Book: Social Media Planning (Part 2)

Last week, I shared basic enablement, intelligence, engagement and measurement practices. This week’s presentation focuses on some advanced practices in the areas of intelligence, engagement, advocacy and measurement. By no means is this list complete so please feel free to add your two cents…

September 9, 2013


Decoding Social Media Measurement

Have you ever felt like measuring social media was like a trying to crack a secret code? Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what data is important to measure out of all the information we are receiving. And as social media continues to become more of the way business is conducted, I’ve seen a sh…

November 28, 2012


5 Nuggets to Make Sense of the Crazy World of Social Media

I presented at the BtoB Networking Breakfast (#BtoBNet) today and wanted to share my slides in this blog along with some food for thought based on my presentation: Not all social media participants will converse, comment or create. The Forrester social technographics ladder outlines 6 active social…