
May 16, 2016


TDM vs. IP Telephony: A Retro Conversation Still Relevant Today

If you are like 72% of organizations globally, your network still has some or all TDM and/or analog endpoints according to Nemertes Research. This is an astounding fact. Almost nowhere in the industry (including in this blog) do people talk about time division multiplexing (TDM) anymore. What’s more…

May 9, 2016


What?! WebEx has Video?

I used to hate meetings. But we all know meetings are critical to running a business. They are basically the operating engine of a company. Meetings are just how people get work done… even though they are often boring and occasionally painful. Which is why I love WebEx. With WebEx, meetings are bett…

May 9, 2016


Give Your Video Conference Room a “Stage” with Cisco PresenterTrack

About 18 months ago, members of my engineering team conducted customer site visits and came back with a most interesting challenge. They met a Spanish teacher who needed to teach a physical/virtual class over video, but current technology constrained her ability to move about the classroom. Any teac…

May 6, 2016


See Video and Collaboration Solutions for Telehealth at ATA 2016

The American Telemedicine Association (ATA) Annual Meeting and Trade Show is fast approaching!  If you’re planning to attend ATA 2016 from May 15-17 in Minneapolis, be sure to visit the Cisco booth to see how Cisco video and collaboration solutions power telehealth interactions, whether you are prov…

May 4, 2016


G.U.N.T.H.E.R Care for Customer Care, Beyond Robotic

Some of the most iconic characters in movies and television haven’t even been human. For example, most people don’t realize the name of the robot on Lost in Space was actually G.U.N.T.H.E.R, short for “General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Robot.” Far from contrived movie props (apologies to…

April 21, 2016


Synthetic Monitor for Cisco Shipped

When developing applications in a microservices architecture, one of the first obstacles a developer faces is determining the state of the underlying orchestration and container services. The developer has no real insight into how the underlying services and orchestration system(s) are performing. A…

April 20, 2016


Cisco and Fiserv: Transforming the Customer and Employee Experience

Authors: Jason Bettinger, Financial Services Business Transformation Director, Cisco Bradley Mason, Vice President, Sentry Performance Solutions, Fiserv Changing technology is driving big changes in consumer expectations – and within the workplace. Financial institutions must transform customer e…

April 19, 2016


#CiscoChampion Radio, S3|Ep. 11: VBrick

#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we’re discussing VBrick with Cisco experts Patty Yan and Rob Morris. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode’s download button) View this episode in iTunes Cisco Gue…

April 14, 2016


Live #CiscoChat April 26th – Give Banking Customers Face Time

It’s a fast-paced digital society. Your customers carry their entire world on their smartphone or tablet. As consumers and businesses balance their online worlds with the physical world, how are financial services institutions changing to deliver more personalized customer experiences? Relationships…