Financial Services
Discover Financial Services Solutions in Barcelona
What industry challenges is your business facing today? Tomorrow? Next year? And how is your IT strategy building the bridge to key business outcomes? The imminent growth of 5G. New security challenges. Digital transformation. The rise of online banking. Join us for conversations on f…
5 tools to improve your cybersecurity awareness
Did you know? October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. In today’s complex threat landscape, cybersecurity vulnerabilities are practically everywhere. Between the explosion of IoT devices, flood of applications, and massive increase in digital transactions of all kinds, there has never been…
5G and Wi-Fi 6 will bring waves of change to banking
The next generation of cellular and wireless technologies is right around the corner, and in some places, it’s already here. As cities and companies begin to roll them out, 5G and Wi-Fi 6 will start transforming the way we live and work—and they’ll wave their magic wand upon retail banking, too. As…
AI and machine learning are here—is your workforce ready?
Retail banks are taking artificial intelligence and machine-learning technologies and running with them. Armed with these tools, they’re adding speed and ease to banking and completely transforming the customer experience. Algorithms are churning out faster, more accurate credit decisions, speeding…
The Positive Impact of Digitization on the Finance and Leasing Industry
The global asset finance and leasing industry is a sector that now exceeds $1 trillion and has witnessed phenomenal growth over the past four decades. Financial service providers continue to de-risk their lending environment and traditional lenders are less likely to offer finance in the face of str…
Why modern banks are (still) investing in brick-and-mortar branches
Despite the trend toward digitization and a shrinking branch footprint, the brick-and-mortar bank isn’t disappearing anytime soon. In June, JPMorgan Chase opened one of the largest branches in the country—a 12,500-square-foot emporium in Midtown Manhattan. Both Chase and Bank of America announ…
Modern Bank Robbery: Addressing Cyber Fraud in Retail Financial Services
While the days of the good ol’ “stickup” bank robbery, cybersecurity threats are rapidly growing in number and complexity, and even the most advanced security teams scramble to keep up. Retail banks, tasked with guarding customer data and dollars, must respond with modern defensive strategies and pr…
The Best Opportunities for Retail Banks to Improve Customer Experience
In retail banking, it’s clear customer experience matters, and the stakes have never been higher. Study after study confirms the importance of providing personalized, integrated experiences for satisfaction and retention of financial services customers. According to JD Power, “Nearly 90% of re…
The top 4 trends banks can’t ignore in 2019
It’s clear retail banks need to adapt to emerging trends to stay relevant in today’s market. What isn’t always so clear, however, is what trends matter most and where banks should focus their attention to stay head of the curve. We’ve identified the top 4 trends that banks can’t ignore in 201…

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