Financial Services
Process Paralysis? Create a More Agile Workplace in Financial Services
The value of seniority in traditional organizations is less about accumulating vacation days and more about knowing how to get things done and who to go to for what. In the past, this “tribal knowledge”—information and experience from veteran employees—was buried in hard drives or only passed down f…
Digital Transformation: Analysing Analytics
I don’t know about you, but everyone seems to be talking analytics – it is another great digital transformation buzzword. Most of the time in financial services, analytics means customer analytics – how we can combine structured data within the bank with the world of big data to give us amazingly ne…
4 Ways Collaborative Technology Can Lead to Happier Bank Employees
In established companies, people are the biggest cost—as well as the biggest asset. As banks compete for the best talent, many are realizing they need to re-examine the fundamentals of how they operate. Even traditional financial institutions built on top-down process and authority are lookin…
Reflections from Cisco Live US 2017
Just returning from Cisco LIVE US 2017. This was the most exciting & inspiring event since I started attending the conference a number of years ago. You could just feel the energy this year. It was electric. Having spent a lot of time with customers & partners in the digital financial ser…
What the Nyetya Ransomware Attack Means for Banks
Today the world is still reeling from the global mayhem created by yet another ransomware attack – the bigger, more ruthless brother of the WannaCry attack that took place only six weeks ago. The ransomware has been referred to as Petya, NotPetya, Petrwrap, and GoldenEye. Cisco’s Talos Threat Intell…
Cisco DNA for Financial Services: The Answer is in the Network
How can financial services companies meet the competing pressures to speed up digitization, comply with every increasing regulation and reduce costs? The answer is in the network – the digital ready, self-learning, self-healing and secure network. Running a bank or insurance company is becoming incr…
Financial Services at CiscoLive! 2017
Disruption. Transformation. Digitization. Change…. The speed at which new developments are occurring in technology is incessant, and it is not a stretch to say; no industry is experiencing a more significant reinvention than financial services. Every aspect of this expansive industry is undergoi…
EU Welcomes Big Data Legislation
Technology is rapidly changing the way we live, work and play. Eight billion devices a year are being brought online. As they are connected, the amount of data in existence and being created daily is truly mind boggling. Every day, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. In almost every indu…
Is Online Banking Getting Old?
Many years ago, my family used to drive to our local community bank to cash checks, make deposits, and pay bills. My grandmother would wait in a longer line to see her favorite teller. My grandfather developed a close relationship with the loan officer, who also helped several family friends buy a c…

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