Financial Services
Are you an IT Superhero Barcelona?
written by Danny Vicente and Garry Senna, Global Financial Services Industry Marketing Barcelona Spain Barcelona, the cosmopolitan capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, is known for its art and architecture. Don’t forget the food Garry, oh the food. HaHa Great point Danny, but this week it will be ‘k…
Innovations in Financial Services at Money2020
Artificial Intelligence. Blockchains. Biometric identification. Regulation. Intuitive design. Inclusion. Globalization. Future banks without a balance sheet. These were all the big topics discussed this week at Money20/20 in Las Vegas and innovation was everywhere, but what was very apparent w…
Live CiscoChat October 17th — The Path to Digital Leadership in Financial Services
You know what they say: Time is money. That’s especially true in the fast-paced financial services industry, where powerful new digital solutions are quickly transforming the field — separating innovative early adopters from those firms lagging behind. Consider the findings from the recent survey re…
Money2020 – 3 ways retail banks can secure their digital future
In two weeks, 11,000 of the world’s most prominent financial services professionals from 4,500 banks, fintech companies, insurance and wealth management firms will attend Money2020 in Las Vegas to discuss topics like digitization, blockchain, open banking, regtech, customer experience, Internet of T…
Cisco Financial Services at Gartner ITxpo 2017
The Network. Intuitive. Powered by intent. Informed by context. Growing more intuitive every day. At this year’s, Gartner Symposium ITxpo, we’ll be showing IT business leaders how Cisco can enable their networks to do the just that. The Gartner Symposium ITxpo, which will take place October 1s…
Cisco Placed Third on 2017 IDC FinTech Rankings Enterprise Top 25
Cisco’s Mission Statement is to shape the future of the Internet by creating unprecedented value and opportunity for our customers, employees, investors, and ecosystem partners. We don’t set out to be recognized; however, receiving recognition for our impact in the industries we serve is an extraor…
How to Prevent the Bank Robbery No One Can See
“This is a stickup! Give me all your bitcoins!” Those words may not seem as terrifying as the shouts and gunshots of infamous bank robbers Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid sounded to bankers in the early 1900s. But they would quickly create a crippling panic if you saw them flash across your scre…
What Banking (and Life) Could Look Like in 2021
Miraculously, I lived through my entire undergraduate experience without a cell phone or a laptop*. I kept quarters in my purse in case I had to stop to use the phone and signed up for my first email address right before I graduated. Google was new and had not released their IPO. To write a research…
Encrypted Traffic Analytics – Why Should You Care?
I was recently introduced to Dave McGrew – Cisco’s version of Yoda! This unassuming, humble engineer looks like a geography teacher and is the kind of guy who creates encryption algorithms in his spare time as a hobby – just like we might do crosswords (OK, I don’t do crosswords but you get my poin…

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