Financial Services
Wealth Management #CiscoChat recap
Last week I had the privilege to participate in the Wealth Management Cisco Chat with Dr. Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel), NYU Stern economist and chairman of Roubini Macro Associates, Louis Celi (@Rthoughtlab), chief executive and founder of Roubini ThoughtLab, and Joseph Pagano (@joseph_pagano), Cisco…
Breach, Lapse or Attack – Is there a way to catch an anomaly when it happens?
My grandfather used to say, “Better safety than sorry.” His message was as strong as his English was broken. Case in point – cybersecurity and the banks of today. Earlier this year, hackers broke through the security firewall of the Central Bank of Bangladesh to make off with over…
Disruption and Opportunity ahead for the Wealth Management Industry and the 3 things you need to know
Live #CiscoChat October 18th – Disruption and Opportunity ahead for the Wealth Management Industry and the 3 things you need to know Keyword: #CiscoChat What are the disruptive forces reshaping the wealth and asset management industry? Our recent research with Roubini ThoughtLab predicts tha…
Everyone With A Bank Account Is Going To Become An Investor
The Wealth and Asset Management industry is about to undergo unprecedented disruption according to new industry research by Roubini ThoughtLab in partnership with Cisco and 16 prestigious industry firms. Get your seat belts on! The three main takeaways from this research are: this is the first re…
Go Digital Securely … and Fast
Would you trust your money to a bank if it had no vaults and no guards? Of course you do. You do it every day. With the digitization of banking and other financial services, customers cannot see all the defenses being used to protect their assets. There are no alarms nor armored cars, it is all 0’s…
The Need to Be Modern and Flexible
IaaS (infrastructure as a service) and PaaS (platform as a service) are new to the financial services vocabulary. They stand to dominate the discussions around the digital evolution. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A or BBVA has been the focus of global industry attention as they develop a modern…
Financial Services Gone Digital at Cisco Live 2016
Kevin Spacey delivered an amazing keynote closing out Cisco Live 2016: “Today, the last words of my speech belong to Frank Underwood.” Cisco Live this year was all about how digital is dramatically redefining business models. Digital is creating disruption for incumbents and opportunit…
There Won’t Be Sticky Notes at Cisco Live 2016
My greatest pet peeve when I managed a branch: sticky notes. I thought they made our office/workstation cluttered and disorganized. It never failed that I’d see them on the corners of a tellers’ monitor or scattered around a bankers’ desk. As much as I disliked them I was always reminded about how t…
#CiscoChat Recap: Data at the Speed of Now
While I was in Tokyo, I was asked if I was interested in joining a #CiscoChat. Thought about it in Singapore and again in London. Each of those countries have something in common. They are becoming Fintech incubators with great ideas that will drive digitization into every business. Having traveled…
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