
Last week I had the privilege to participate in the Wealth Management Cisco Chat with Dr. Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel), NYU Stern economist and chairman of Roubini Macro Associates, Louis Celi (@Rthoughtlab), chief executive and founder of Roubini ThoughtLab, and Joseph Pagano (@joseph_pagano), Cisco financial services practice advisor.  The Twitter based chat stemmed from our recent research with Roubini ThoughtLab that predicts technological, economic, and demographic shifts in the coming years will transform the industry by 2021 — in about 4 years’ time from now.

We kicked the chat off by asking “Why was the research done and what made it unique, as well as any surprises that came out of it”.  The ball got rolling right away with some great insight from Dr Nouriel Roubini:


A few surprises from the research:  investors want anytime anywhere device access (57%), integrated omni-channel (48%) and tech enabled planning (45%) and 63% of investors believe providers are prepared for cyber security but only 48% providers agreed.  These surprises flowed directly into the next series of questions around the main takeaways and key drivers for change. In a truly unique opportunity, Joe was joined in our New York office by Louis Celi to answer these questions as they came in:


The US CFTC said the risk of cyberattack probability represents the single greatest threat to the stability and integrity of our markets, “by deploying risk data aggregation and cyber defense platforms advisors can lower operational risk substantially and meet future compliance and this can in turn improve the brand and trust with clients, turning cyber security into a business growth strategy”…  There were so many great insights given at such a rapid pace, Twitter’s platform allowed us to reach more people than ever with over 10.8 million impressions.

To read and get a copy of the full report visit Rhoubini Thought Lab.