Abundance: A Different Way of Thinking about Technology
There are two mindsets in business – one of scarcity and the other of abundance. A scarcity mindset believes much, if not everything, is limited. A business with a scarcity mindset holds everything close to the vest and is uncomfortable or unwilling to do business beyond its own walls. The thinking…
Kellogg School of Management Partners With Cisco to Provide Lifelong Learning Opportunities to Alumni
To explore and refine pedagogical models for providing lifelong learning opportunities to alumni around the world, Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management was in search of an effective way to deliver education and leverage technology. Their solution? Cisco TelePresence. Rather than pr…
The Dirty Secret of Team Collaboration: Teams
Cisco Spark is one of a growing set of tools that embrace the idea of team collaboration. These are tools that provide persistent workspaces for teams to work together. They provide persistent chat and messaging, file and photo sharing, and sometimes – real-time tools, such as voice and video confer…
Igniting a Companywide Startup Culture of Entrepreneurs
Before you can disrupt markets and competitors with breakout innovations, you must first disrupt yourself. This new paradigm does not discriminate. It applies now to all organizations of any size, their cultures and employees alike – no matter how successful in the past. Overwhelming research* shows…
Cisco Spark Video Systems Are Ahead of Schedule
In order for you to adopt video conferencing pervasively, we know we have to make it as easy to deploy and support as it is to use. On the user-experience front, many of you have told us that we have the best in the industry. On the deployment front, we’ve significantly accelerated our pace. In Marc…
Experience Collaboration and Immersive Video Healthcare Solutions at eHealth Week 2016
eHealth week is June 8-10 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and is going to center on three main themes – Empowering People, Trust & Standards and Social Innovation & Transition. eHealth innovation across the globe continues to be fueled by technology and key healthcare policies, and this will…
Cisco at Code Conference, Day 2: From Meeker to Mars
Another day, another gathering focused on the evolution of technology at Code Conference. Big names, big ideas, and a lot to think about. Executives and activists. IBM, Google, Facebook, Gates Foundation, Twitter, Cisco, Musk… It’s too much for one post, but here are some highlights. Internet Trends…
Cisco at Code Conference, Day 1
It was a busy day to kick off this year’s Code Conference. A consistent energy of conversation and connection carried through the day. But that’s what happens when you bring together industry influencers to focus on digital technology, what it is today and how it will influence our future. Int…
The Rise of the Virtual Assistant
On May 10, the world-class admin behind John Chambers’s success was honored with one of the top awards in her field: Debbie Gross received the Colleen Barrett Award for Administrative Excellence. Clearly, Debbie is a force. This CNBC story gives us a peek into her life keeping John at the top of his…