
Abundance: A Different Way of Thinking about Technology

There are two mindsets in business – one of scarcity and the other of abundance. A scarcity mindset believes much, if not everything, is limited. A business with a scarcity mindset holds everything close to the vest and is uncomfortable or unwilling to do business beyond its own walls. The thinking…

Network Security is Not Child’s Play

Do you remember the childhood game Gossip? Maybe you played it. A secret message is whispered from one person to the next until it reaches the last person who says out loud what they believed they heard. Whether by an honest misunderstanding or intentional sabotage, often the end message is nothing…

Are You SOAM Ready?

You probably did a double-take when you read the title and asked yourself, “What is SOAM?” Let me start by telling you what it is not. It is not service integration and management (SIAM), which emerged more than a decade ago to address the highly complex contract and governance processes introduced…

February 29, 2016


University of California San Francisco and Cisco: Empowering Digital Health Innovation

“We are at the intersection of doing great things for the world. We have the ability to change people’s lives.” -Chuck Robbins, Cisco CEO Virtually every industry is undergoing digital transformation. The retail, manufacturing, energy, and transportation industries, to name a few, are all seeing maj…

February 19, 2016


The ServiceGrid Golden Circle

In Simon Sinek’s now famous TED Talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Action more than 25 million views served as the catalyst for his book, Start with Why. Sinek explains that for a person or an organization to be successful, they must be intentional about creating a compelling message that others are in…

January 29, 2016


Dimension Data & Cisco Systems: Partnering to Integrate the World

In technology, things happen at the speed of change. “Evolve or get left behind” is a familiar phrase we’ve all heard. Technology is advancing at warp speed and companies are finding it difficult to manage their ever-growing and ever-changing support ecosystems. Now more than ever, companies are mov…

October 1, 2015


Service Integration and Management (SIAM): Helps You Efficiently Manage Your Support Ecosystem

“Simply put, successful multisourcing requires establishing end-to-end visibility, reporting and accountability for services that are delivered by multiple suppliers.”1 -Bill Martorelli, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research For the past two decades many enterprises managed their IT vendor relations…

August 20, 2015


Automating Configuration in a Multi-Sourced Environment

The landscape of IT has changed. The single-source provider era is quickly coming to an end as more companies embrace the world of multi-sourcing. In a 2014 report by IAOP & Information Services Group (ISG) Annual State of the Industry1, it stated that the number of enterprise IT organizations u…

March 12, 2015


Active SLAs – New Approach for Multi-sourcing Governance

Last month, I attended the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) Outourcing World Summit in Phoenix, Arizona. I had the chance to glean fresh insights from industry-leading practitioners and get a global view from sourcing executives. Though there has been an evolution in the…