Trustworthy Systems: Securing our network infrastructure
Digitization has opened up a myriad of new applications, efficiencies and innovations. Along with all this progress, however, comes a continued and urgent need for more advanced and effective security at the very foundational level–the network node and network systems. From phishing and malware atta…
Announcement: Tech Field Day Master Classes Live Online June 27
I’m thrilled to announce Tech Field Day is returning to Cisco Live this year and on June 27, Cisco will be presenting a full DNA focused day. If you’re skipping Cisco Live, or just don’t feel like leaving your hotel suite at that particular time, Tech Field Day is live-streamed (for anyone to watch)…
New Frontiers: Network Analytics in Real Time
Episode 2: Don’t Fly Blind – Network Analytics in Real Time The phrase “flying blind” was first used in World War II when, during nighttime or bad weather, pilots were forced to fly only using the limited instruments they had available. For IT professionals, visibility is a tricky thing. There is…
New Frontiers: Quality of Service Without the Pain
Episode 1: Quality of Service Made Simple Quality of Service (QoS) is a critical requirement to an optimal user experience on the network. Having the right priority across voice, video, and data traffic can be the difference between a good and great network. Yet ask any networking professional and…
Securing Your Retail Network with Cisco SAFE in the Age of WannaCry
Thousands of companies around the globe were affected this week by a major ransomware attack called WannaCry. Ransomware is a type of cyberattack that encrypts data until the user pays a specified fee, and is one of the industry’s top evolving cyberthreats. As these and other threats continue…
Enterprise NFV Design and Use Cases – Part 1
Today, very few business leaders need convincing evidence about the benefits of digitization. That’s because they no longer ask “why” digitalization should be a business imperative. They’re at the “what” needs to be done stage – what are the steps IT must take to build a strong network foundation, o…
Transform your store with Cisco DNA
“In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.” – Mark Zuckerberg Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword, it’s happening today and in every industry. According to research from the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation,…
Empowering IT for Massive Network Change
Digitization is changing the world. All kinds of businesses, organizations and countries are going digital to innovate more quickly, compete more effectively and serve customers better. But digitization is also placing unprecedented demands on the network. Traditional hardware-centric, manually conf…
#CiscoChat Recap: Is Your Network Behind the Digital Curve?
In our era of digital revolution, speed is the name of the game. From the rapid release of innovative products, solutions, and ideas to the constant emergence of new business possibilities, things are moving fast. Staying competitive in today’s marketplace means always being ready to seize opportuni…