Fast Lane on iOS 12 opens up new ‘lanes’ for the mobile workforce
Apple and Cisco started partnering together — to facilitate the very best app experience for iPhone and iPad with Fast lane on corporate networks, Cisco DevNet opened a Fast lane Validation Lab for enterprise iOS developers and partners to help education on the design and build of business-critical…
Opening a New Frontier in Networking
Introducing Software Defined Application Visibility and Control The Network Intuitive has ushered in a new era networking and as the landscape of this era reveals itself, it becomes apparent that there are several innovative ways of managing the network. One such service, that my team has been passi…
Rethinking iOS Apps in the Enterprise
Enterprises are deploying more and more business critical applications on their networks, making it very important that these apps have higher priority for performance. With the recent partnership announcements between Cisco and Apple, application developers now have the power to enable “Quality of…
DevNet Delivering New Fast Lane Validation Program for iOS Developers
Last year I was excited to blog about the Apple and Cisco partnership. It was amazing to see the opportunities being created for developers with iOS 10. A lot has happened since then, and the opportunities for developers just keep getting better! Now we are happy to announce DevNet Fast lane valid…
New Frontiers: Quality of Service Without the Pain
Episode 1: Quality of Service Made Simple Quality of Service (QoS) is a critical requirement to an optimal user experience on the network. Having the right priority across voice, video, and data traffic can be the difference between a good and great network. Yet ask any networking professional and…
FOSDEM 2017: a view from the NOC
FOSDEM 2017 was again a great success. We did a bit less analysis compared to 2016, but the numbers we got indicate the number of visitors grew significantly compared to last year: the total number of unique MAC addresses went from 9711 to a stunning 11918, an increase of 22.7%.…
TechWiseTV dives into Enterprise Service Automation and Easy QoS
In order to react faster in a world of accelerating change, the winners of the digital economy must evolve their enterprise networks. And nowhere is this need to change more apparent than at the network edge. The edge is where you deliver transformative applications and services to your users. It’s…
Cisco and Apple: Understanding the Innovation
What if the world’s leading mobile devices communicated at a deeper, more trusting level with the world’s leading corporate networks? That was the question that Apple and Cisco asked themselves when they announced their new partnership last year. Their answer: a faster, more engaging user experienc…
Mobile enterprise – check!
Co-authored by Jeevan Patil, Sr. Manager, Product Management for Wireless LAN Controllers What is common between a CIO working at a hospital planning to roll-out a caregiver mobile app, the IT Director at your child’s school about to share course content using digital interactive textbooks and the I…