Mobile Apps
Fast Lane on iOS 12 opens up new ‘lanes’ for the mobile workforce
Apple and Cisco started partnering together — to facilitate the very best app experience for iPhone and iPad with Fast lane on corporate networks, Cisco DevNet opened a Fast lane Validation Lab for enterprise iOS developers and partners to help education on the design and build of business-critical…
10 Cool Mobile Apps from Cisco You Don’t Know But Should
How many apps do you have on your mobile phone or tablet? Too many? Do you use all of them? If you do, you’re in the minority. 22% of people use an app only once after they have downloaded it, according to a study by Localytics. When apps first came out, we all rushed to download as many as we could…
Have you Hit an App Wall?
The second in a series on Cisco’s mobile strategy. Apps, apps and more apps, is your company experiencing a proliferation of apps? Cisco certainly is. We are moving out of the experimental stage of app development and shifting toward measuring ‘repetitive usage’ as one of the main gauges for on-go…
Cisco and SAP Collaborate to Offer a New Shopping Experience at Retailers
When was the last time you sifted through the pile of coupons and special offers that fill your mailbox each day? Extreme “couponers” aside, most of us rely more on the daily coupons we receive via email from online sites, rather than the thousands that end up in our recycling bin each month. Today,…