Cisco Live Berlin
#CiscoChat Recap: Is Your Network Behind the Digital Curve?
In our era of digital revolution, speed is the name of the game. From the rapid release of innovative products, solutions, and ideas to the constant emergence of new business possibilities, things are moving fast. Staying competitive in today’s marketplace means always being ready to seize opportuni…
That’s a Wrap, Berlin!
Participating in this year’s Cisco Live 2017 in Berlin, Germany brought many interesting sights and scenes front and center for our customers and partners regarding the disruption and innovation happening within our industry. Witnessing the reception of 12,000 attendees from over 105 countries, this…
Applications Meet Infrastructure at Cisco Live Berlin: DevNet Zone
By all rights I should be exhausted. But I’m not. To the contrary, as Cisco Live Berlin 2017 winds down, I’m totally energized. So much creativity. So many amazing people, with innovative products and ideas that are truly transforming the way we live and work. I saw this first-hand in our DevNe…
S’mores and Hybrid IT
S’mores by the campfire. Cocktail hour and sunsets. Your favorite meal cooked by mom. People, processes, and technology. What do these all have in common? Sometimes the classics are timeless because they just work. Resilient. Always a go-to. Beautiful in their simplicity. As an ex-managing IT…
How To Navigate Your Path to a Digital-Ready Network
As we face the biggest network disruption in 25 years, these tools can help light up the path ahead for IT leaders “Digital transformation” often sounds like the latest buzz, but it’s not. Everything – and I mean “everything” – is being connected over the network: processes are connected across busi…
Mapping the Journey to Digital-Ready Networks
Over the next two years organizations will transform their network for the digital era in increasing numbers. In fact 45% of organizations1 are expecting to already have digital-ready networks in two years – triple the number today. And no wonder. Cloud, mobility, and IoT are placing unprecedented d…
Make network virtualization a reality with Cisco DNA Virtualization
Last year Cisco laid out a blueprint for customers to build a digital ready network, Cisco Digital Network Architecture or DNA. Virtualization stood out as one of its key pillars and we announced Cisco Enterprise NFV, a solution for virtualizing the branch, that enables our customers to deploy netw…
Cisco Live Berlin 2017: Enter the Millennials
This week kicks off Cisco’s 27 year running illustrious flagship event Cisco Live EMEA in Berlin, Germany. Cisco Live is nothing short of a ‘festival of technology.’ Offering the latest and greatest training and education on technologies crucial to driving business outcomes. With over 700+ sessions…
Caffeine for the Tech Brain: TFDx at CLEUR this Wednesday
Tech Field Day Extra is back at Cisco Live Berlin this week – an exciting 2 full days of deep dives, white boarding, Q&A, and lots of fun, geeky, conversation. The Monday sessions will soon be online for playback while the Wednesday sessions of TFDx are some must-watch programming. I personally…