
5 Best Kept Secrets That Drive Extraordinary Business Outcomes at Cisco Live Vegas

As you’ve heard from colleagues, peers, customers and partners, Vegas will hit critical mass June 26 – 29 for Cisco Live Vegas. What you don’t know is how Managed Services can help you take back your schedule by keeping your IT environment running securely, so you’re focused on driving innovation an…

Digital Business has Changed the Rules Bringing New Challenges and Expectations

At Cisco, we believe you’re the champions of configuration, the sultans of software, and the wizards of wireless. You’re the ones who can help turn business intent into business results. Cisco Live US is a celebration of you. Of IT. And we’re thrilled to host you in Las Vegas at the end of the month…

June 12, 2017


DevNet Uncensored @Cisco Live! What happens in Vegas Goes on #CiscoChat

DevNet Zone Cisco Live US 2017 is right around the corner and there is SO much we have planned for the DevNet community, and not just those able to make it in person to Vegas.  Nope… One of the things I’m most proud of about working at Cisco and in DevNet, is the large, global community…

June 12, 2017


Enterprise NFV Design and Use Cases – Part 2

Design Considerations for Branch Virtualization with NFV In the 1st blog on Enterprise NFV Design we discussed the concept of network function virtualization and its benefits, what are the foundation blocks when planning for branch virtualization with NFV? Let’s look closely into each foundation blo…

June 8, 2017


A new network. A halt to hack attacks.

DNA with Integrated Security Keeps Government Data Safe Every day there’s another story about hackers breaking into a branch of the government or political organization, or a data breach at a big company. The attacks are frequent and increasingly sophisticated. One of our Partner Plus partners, PTS…

June 8, 2017


Canadian Hospital Keeps Connected with Cisco DNA

Not everyone works at a hospital, but understanding how the IT department at London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London in Ontario, Canada transformed their wireless network is important, no matter what industry you work in. The crux of the hospital’s problem was this: over 15…

June 8, 2017


Burn Your Candles

You really know what it means to #LoveWhereYouWork when you are faced with a life-threatening illness, and your team says, “Take care of your family, we’ve got this!” You see, that’s #WeAreCisco! I came to Cisco five years ago truly believing in our vision that we wanted to change the world. I had b…

June 7, 2017


Miercom Report: Secured Network Infrastructure

Everyday networks are being hammered with multiple types of threats, coming from a variety of sources. To make matters worse, these threats often use sophisticated techniques to be undetected by traditional security methods. Proliferation of IoT devices increase these risks as most IoT devices often…

June 7, 2017


Relying on Constants to Succeed in a Changing World

You know the familiar adage about looking at the past to predict the future, right? That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t always work when you’re dealing with something that’s unchartered, unproven, and not to mention disruptive. Yet as businesses running technology companies in today’s hyper-cha…