
DevNet Zone Cisco Live US 2017 is right around the corner and there is SO much we have planned for the DevNet community, and not just those able to make it in person to Vegas.  Nope… One of the things I’m most proud of about working at Cisco and in DevNet, is the large, global community we have, and how we are able to stay connected with everyone, even during the big events like Cisco Live.  And this year is no different.

#DevNet is teaming up with #CiscoSE
for #CiscoChat at #CLUS
(so many hashtags, so little time)

#DevNet will be hosting two (yes, TWO!) #CiscoChats during Cisco Live, where we’ll use the “video everywhere” capabilities of Facebook Live to transport our entire community into the DevNet Zone so you can see and hear what is going on.

#DevNetExpress #DevNet

The first #CiscoChat will take place on Saturday June 24th at 4 PM Pacific, where we’ll be checking in with the two pre-#CLUS #DevNetExpress events that are taking place the weekend before the main conference starts.  If you’re not familiar with DevNet Express, it’s a partnership program between #DevNet and #CiscoSE, where we box up and bring the DevNet Zone experience of Listen-Learn-Do into your own backyard for one, two or three days of hands-on exploration of Cisco technology.

Be sure to keep your eyes open for when these events will be coming to your neighborhood at http://devnetevents.cisco.com, and by following #DevNetExpress on Twitter!

#DevNet #CiscoChat

Silvia Spiva, DevNet’s Community Manager, and one of our Social Media whisperers, will be stopping the Cloud Collaboration and Data Center Infrastructure events to chat with the presenters and participants about what programmability means to them.  Find out how your peers are leveraging APIs to make their day to day lives easier and get ideas for your own toolbox.  Maybe even get a sneak peek at the amazing hands on content being unveiled at the very first Data Center Infrastructure event, or a teaser about what is possible for IT Pros with Cloud Collaboration.  Who knows what to expect when the Live feed starts up from Vegas?!  #DevNetUncensored!


And during the DevNet Happy Hour on Wednesday evening, June 28th at 5pm PT, we will ask the question, “What does Network Programmability mean to you?”  Silvia will once again go LIVE on Facebook with #CiscoChat to share some of the most “inspired” answers with everyone far and wide.  Computer networking is evolving, and the criticality of programmable interfaces, open ecosystems, and flexible platforms is on the forefront of everyone’s mind I talk to these days.  I’m very much looking forward to checking in with everyone all week to discover the unique and powerful ways you are putting the latest features to work.

And just one more thing before I finish up this post.  I’ve been busting at the seams to share one of the new additions to DevNet Zone this year, and I think the time is about right.

Do you have what it takes to take on the “DevNet Escape Room”?

Captain Cloud has been kidnapped by “The Shadow” and is being held captive in his secret lab.  Code Crusader is counting on you to help him break the Captain out, but to be successful you’ll need to bring your “A-PI” game and code your way through three challenges in Network Programmability, Collaboration and IOT!

But the clock is ticking and the pressure is on.  You only have 15 minutes from the door closing to get out the other side before being discovered and “Locked In” along with the Captain.  Prizes will be awarded for the best time each day, and a grand prize for the best time during the event.

For more information on the DevNet Escape Room, including how to prepare yourself for the challenge, check out Tom Davies’ blog on the DevNet Communities.

I’m stoked… are you?  Can’t wait to see everyone in Vegas or online!  
