Big Data

February 3, 2014


Lifestreaming in the Personal Cloud Era

Technology is changing the world at an ever increasing rate. The exponential jumps in processing power, mobile technologies, storage, and connection speeds are facilitating a whole new suite of possibilities. We are beginning to see the creation and realities of new connected experiences that allow…

January 31, 2014


Back to the Future: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

As information consumers that depend so much on the Network or Cloud, we sometimes indulge in thinking what will happen when we really begin to feel the effects of Moore’s Law and Nielsen’s Law combined, at the edges: the amount of data and our ability to consume it (let alone stream it to the edge)…

January 30, 2014


Seamless Solutions for a World of Many Clouds

Considering all the hype around the cloud, it’s easy to forget that we live in a world of many clouds. Organizations can’t simply tap into a single all-powerful entity located everywhere and nowhere, all at once. In reality, they must dip in and out of a complex and often challenging array of public…

January 23, 2014


Cisco CMX @ NRF 2014

NRF 2014 was held last week at the Javits Centre in New York City. It’s the biggest retail event of the year where vendors show off the future of the industry to all the delegates both using inspiring key notes and exciting demos on the Expo floors. 2014 and beyond: It wasn’t too hard to…

January 22, 2014


The IoE-Ready Retailer: Connecting Sellers and Shoppers Like Never Before

We live in a time of tremendous and challenging technological disruptions. Yet it is also a time when the opportunities for business transformation are equally vast and impactful. This is particularly true for the retail industry. The wave of change, which Cisco calls the Internet of Everything (IoE…

January 17, 2014


Big Data Essentials: Don’t Let Your Sandbox Turn Into Quicksand

Check out our new “on-demand” webinar: Big Data Essentials: Don’t Let Your Sandbox Turn to Quicksand What you will learn: How to manage data as an asset and transform data into business value. Why Big Data projects fail and how to avoid common pitfalls. How to optimize a Big Data supply chain. What…

January 15, 2014


At CES, Glitzy Wearables, Snazzy Smart Cars, and, Yes, Trash Cans

Walking the miles of aisles at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, it’s easy to see how the Internet of Everything (IoE) is revolutionizing our lives. Super-smart homes, cars, drones, and all manner of entertainment are on display seemingly everywhere, along with a mind-boggling a…

January 13, 2014


With IoE and a Smartphone, You Can Shop Like a Superhero

Superheroes and their super strengths have long captured our imaginations. And since many of these abilities are normal human traits stretched to a magical extreme, you may well have pictured how your own life would change with super speed, agility, or senses. Today, such daydreams are getting just…

January 10, 2014


Omnianalytics for an Omnichannel World

At Cisco, we’re about ready for the NRF trade show being held in New York on Jan.  12-15. We’re at the show expo on Jan. 13-14, and will be featuring four company thought leaders in the highly popular annual Big Idea sessions. Kathryn Howe, retail senior advisor at Cisco, will be discussing one of t…