brand loyalty

Episode 7: Global panel, brand authenticity & blockchain

Within each regional market, consumers want to feel good about buying from their preferred brands. The best way to instill that confidence and trust is for retailers to share information about how their products are made. Especially in this data-rich era, when notable information is likely to circul…

June 28, 2018


Creating Connections at Cannes

Last week I attended the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, joining the world’s leading brands, marketers, media platforms, and creative minds for a week of great discussion. It was so inspiring to see the incredible work being done, with a huge focus on innovation, technology, distr…

The Nexus of the Internet of Everything? It’s in the Palm of Your Hand.

On a typical day, we hold in our hands a portal to our civilization’s entire trove of information and entertainment — and a window into our finances, our health, and the lives of our friends. Not to mention, the ability to make a purchase anywhere and anytime the whim strikes us. To say that our per…

February 13, 2014


Cisco Helps Make Brand Loyalty a Slam Dunk for the NBA

In a world of digital distractions and shrinking attention spans, brand loyalty and customer engagement often wind up “out of bounds.” But forward-thinking organizations — including the National Basketball Association (NBA) — are using technology to create some exciting new scoring opportunities. On…

January 13, 2014


With IoE and a Smartphone, You Can Shop Like a Superhero

Superheroes and their super strengths have long captured our imaginations. And since many of these abilities are normal human traits stretched to a magical extreme, you may well have pictured how your own life would change with super speed, agility, or senses. Today, such daydreams are getting just…

October 9, 2013


Using Cutting-Edge IoE Technologies To Deliver Old-Fashioned Customer Experiences

Ever step into a small-town “mom and pop” store? The owners seem to know everyone in the community, along with their individual needs, likes, dislikes, and current life situations. It’s not easy to scale that kind of old-fashioned customer intimacy to a larger retail setting, online or off. But in t…