Big Data
Cisco IT Streamlines Big Data Operations with Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler
Like many IT organizations, Cisco’s internal IT department is deploying Big Data solutions to mine the ever-increasing data in-flow from a wide range of sources – and thus gain competitive advantage and insights. The typical environment includes an ecosystem of different tools and data sources that…
Exploring 2014 Digital and Social Media Trends
It’s hard to believe another calendar year is coming to an end less than 2 months. I’m amazed at the pace of which digital and social media continue to evolve and get excited when I think of what 2014 might bring in the way of further surprises. As we continue to plan for the coming year and look fo…
Customers Gather in NYC to Talk Data Virtualization
This year Cisco held Data Virtualization Day 2013 at the New York Palace in New York City. With 350 attendees from more than 130 organizations, it marked the largest event to date and showcased data virtualization is top of mind for organizations as they try to extract more value out of their data.…
Big Business from Big Data
“Dad, how many mobile phones were sold last year in the whole world?” “Is this a trick question? Well, there are about 7 billion human beings on earth. Assuming every…” “No, no—give me a number.” “Well, I am not 100 percent sure. How many do you think were sold?” “1.75 billion.” “How do you know?” “…
There’s No Place Like (a Connected) Home
It doesn’t take long to realize it’s going to be one of those days. You drag out of bed, bleary-eyed after a bad night’s sleep in a stuffy, overheated room. Desperately in need of a caffeine jolt, you then discover that you’re out of coffee. You turn on the TV but are too harried to take in the morn…
Cisco @ Strata Conference + Hadoop World
Cisco is a Zettabyte sponsor at this week’s Strata Conference + Hadoop World in New York, NY, October 28-30. Everyone’s talking about big data, but who’s actually doing it right—and how? Find out at Strata + Hadoop World, where big data’s most influential decision makers, arc…
Wearable Tech: At the Nexus of IoE, with a Sense of Style
Science fiction writers have often mused about the merger of humans and machines. But while RoboCops and bionic superheroes aren’t likely to fight evil anytime soon, some exciting wearable smart technologies are already here. They may not match Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit, but they are enabling ordin…
Three Flavors of CMX Analytics: Onsite, Online & Social
Big data seems to be everywhere these days. Everywhere you look there are new companies and technologies that promise to crunch up enormous databases and instantly extract from them knowledge and understanding. Although that sounds impressive, it raises the question – how can that help me and my bu…
Get More out of your Data with Cisco at Strata Hadoop World October 28 – 30, 2013
With enough hype to rival even the most popular of Superbowl’s, Big Data experts will converge on New York City in just a couple weeks! But big data has good reason for all the hype as businesses continue to find new ways to leverage the insights derived from vast data pools that are c…