Retail and Hospitality

How Technology Is Shaping the Future of Hospitality for IHG

We are always connected. By 2020, the number of devices connected to networks will outnumber the world population by three times (Cisco VNI). Mobile and other wireless devices will make up nearly 70% of Internet traffic. Today’s increasingly digital landscape has drastically changed many businesses,…

Securing Your Retail Network with Cisco SAFE in the Age of WannaCry

Thousands of companies around the globe were affected this week by a major ransomware attack called WannaCry. Ransomware is a type of cyberattack that encrypts data until the user pays a specified fee, and is one of the industry’s top evolving cyberthreats. As these and other threats continue…

Understanding Today’s Security Landscape

In the digital age, the security landscape only continues to become more complex, and well into 2017, we continue to witness the escalation of security threats across almost every industry. Especially, we are seeing a marked increase in the sophistication of security threats as they hit the front pa…

Transform your store with Cisco DNA

“In a world that’s changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.” – Mark Zuckerberg Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword, it’s happening today and in every industry. According to research from the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation,…

Cisco Readiness Assessment Tool Helps to Launch Your Digital Journey

“58% of business leaders are investing in either new digital products, services and digital channels to reach new customers in new ways.” – Boston Retail Partners Most of us know that change in any aspect of our lives can be daunting and takes time. However, we also know that change is not onl…

February 21, 2017


The Worst Problem in the Retail Industry? Turnover.

Retail has one of the highest turnover rates in any industry. The Hay Group reports a median turnover rate of 67 percent for part-time retail employees.[1] I doubt any of us would be too challenged to list the problems driving this high turnover: Retail jobs are considered boring and repetitive, wi…

February 13, 2017


How to Better Manage Store Staff with Real-Time Analytics

A few weeks ago at NRF 2017, we spoke with a number of retailers looking to improve the customer experience in their stores. Challenged by today’s online competitors, brick-and-mortar retailers are doing their best to reimagine their stores with new services and technology. However, we also found th…

February 6, 2017


Keeping up with Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Age

Retailers are embracing and adapting to digital innovations to keep pace with rapidly-evolving customer demands. Online and mobile purchases continue to increase exponentially. According to Deloitte, 58% of consumers have used their mobile device to browse an online shopping website or app. In fact,…

January 13, 2017


Delivering a Frictionless Shopping Experience with a Digital Foundation at the Core

One of my favorite hobbies is trying out the latest new technologies and services.   I have an Amazon Echo and Google Home (patiently waiting on Cortana from Microsoft).  I ride-share, home-share, and even bike-share. For me, combining my work in digital transformation with retail and other consumer…