
May 24, 2022


Cisco Study: Hybrid work is enhancing employee well-being, but needs to be more inclusive

5 min read

News Summary 87% of employees in ASEAN say the ability to work from anywhere has made them happier Hybrid work has improved overall well-being, with 86% saying they saved money in the past year and 78% sharing they have gotten physically fitter Around 6 in 10 employees say productivity and quality of…

March 16, 2022


Cisco Meraki announces new IoT and LAN portfolio to build smarter workspace experiences

4 min read

News Summary: Cisco Meraki expands its IoT portfolio by launching a new indoor air quality sensor MT14, a smart automation button MT30, and a new MV analytics capabilities Expanded portfolio addresses smart workspace requirements and the evolving needs of enterprises to protect people, places,…