Roaming Data Plans: Culture Shock, maybe, but Bill Shock no more!
There is immense parental pride in seeing your child receive her University diploma. As I watched my daughter walk across the stage on the campus quad last year, bittersweet thoughts floated by – she’ll be leaving the family nest, striking out on her own, facing the challenges of finding a job, movi…
IoE is the Path to Gartner’s ‘All Things Digital’
This week, I had the opportunity to focus on digital business as an attendee and presenter at Gartner’s ITxpo in Orlando, Fla. It was a sold out crowd with 8,500 attendees and approximately 2,700 CIOs. And one insight that seemed to resonate with the audience was Gartner’s belief that by 2018, digit…
Join Us on Oct. 22 for Our Final Analytics Webcast
Hello, retailers everywhere! My name is Dianne Lamendola, and I am a senior retail practice advisor here at Cisco. My role is to work closely with store operators and merchants to help understand your business and how technology can help you reach critical goals. I hope you have been following our t…
The Foundation for a Business Relevant Network
With the growing influx of new mobile devices, connected things, bandwidth intensive applications and more data, the network is more relevant to business success than ever before. Back in June of 2012, Cisco saw that we needed to move away from multiple network systems loosely linked together to an…
Cisco Data Virtualization
It is an exciting day for Cisco Data Virtualization, our data integration software that connects all kinds of data from across the network and makes it appear as if it is in one place and in one consolidated view. To see it in action, check out this video on how we replaced Denodo with our own data…
Data Driven Decision Making at Pfizer – A Case Study in Data Virtualization
Finding a molecule with the potential to become a new drug is complicated. It’s time-consuming. Fewer than 10 percent of molecules or compounds discovered are promising enough to enter the development pipeline. And fewer of those ever come to market. At Pfizer, if it were not for data virtualizatio…
Working Remotely Just got Better With OfficeExtend 600 Series AP’s
It’s always been important to remote workers to have a solution that provides both secure connectivity to their corporate network and simple user experience.With the recent Summer Blockbuster release of the Cisco Wireless Release 8.0, using the OfficeExtend 600 Series Access Points (OEAP-600) just g…
Revamping the MSE User Interface
As part of the WLC 8.0 release, we addressed customer comments and revamped the user interface (UI) for the MSE. We wanted to make it easier for customers using both MSE and PI to adjust to larger deployments. We also wanted to quicken the pace at which we could deliver features to the customers. To…
Show Me the Retail Data
Success in retail often comes down to a counting game. How many people pass by your store? How many come inside? How long do they stay? And most importantly how many ultimately buy? Today, the retail counting game has gotten a lot easier because we can now count devices as proxies for people, s…